IAMCR has 16 thematic sections and 21 working groups. Members can join up to three (3).
Sections and Working Groups are responsible for most of the content of IAMCR conferences. Their heads receive proposals, manage the evaluation process, and structure their programmes. Additionally, some Sections and Working Groups publish books or journals or organise events outside of IAMCR conferences. Seed funding from IAMCR is available for these projects.
Several Sections and Working Groups host pages on Facebook and other social media, while others send occasional bulletins or newsletters to keep in touch with their members during the year. Find the links to join your Section or Working Group in social media, to the most recent newsletters, and to the journals they collaborate with, here.
The Scholarly Review Committee monitors and evaluates the activities of the association's thematic Sections and Working Groups as described in the document Section and Working Group Activity Requirements, Monitoring, and Evaluation.
The heads of Sections and Working Groups are elected by the members of the section / working group using procedures established in the Section and Working Groups Election Rules.
Proposals are welcome for new sections and working groups. For details, see the document Procedures for Establishing Sections and Working Groups.
For more information about a particular section or working group, click on its name below or in the column to the right of this page.
- Audience - AUD
- Communication Policy & Technology - CPT
- Community Communication and Alternative Media - CAM
- Emerging Scholars Network - ESN
- Environment, Science & Risk Communication - ESR
- Gender and Communication - GEN
- History - HIS
- International Communication - INC
- Journalism Research and Education - JRE
- Law - LAW
- Media, Communication and Sport - MCS
- Media Education Research - MER
- Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society - MPS
- Participatory Communication Research - PCR
- Political Communication Research - POL
- Political Economy - POE
Working Groups:
- Comic Art - COA
- Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies - CPN
- Communication, Social Justice and Democracy - CJD
- Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication - CRI
- Diaspora and Media - DIM
- Digital Divide - DID
- Ethics of Society & Ethics of Communication - ETH
- Global Media Policy - GMP
- Health Communication - HEC
- Inclusive Communication and People with Disabilities - ICO
- Islam and Media - ISM
- Media Production Analysis - MPA
- Media Sector Development - MSD
- Multimodal Communication Research - MCR
- Music, Audio, Radio and Sound - MAR
- Organisational Communication - ORG
- Popular Culture - POP
- Public Service Media Policies - PSM
- Religion and Communication - REC
- Rural Communication - RUC
- Visual Culture - VIC