Clearinghouse for Public Statements

IAMCR established a Clearinghouse for Public Statements in July 2015 to help with making public statements by taking proactive positions on issues or by responding to issues when they arise.

Any current member in good standing of IAMCR may request the Clearinghouse to consider whether a public statement should be made by endorsing a statement of others or by distributing a statement of its own. Requests should be sent to Please read the text What the Clearinghouse for Public Statements Does and the Clearinghouse's Working Procedures before making a request. Questions and clarifications about what the Clearinghouse does should be sent to

The Clearinghouse co-chairs are Graham Murdock and Vinod Pavarala. See all members.

IAMCR statement on Azerbaijan

IAMCR condemns the abuse of the penal system in Azerbaijan for political purposes, and calls upon the Azeri government and upon the President, Ilham Aliyev, to immediately release all scholars, journalists and activists who exercise their freedom of expression and academic freedom and are prisoners for that reason.

IAMCR Statement on Gaza

22/11/2023 - The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) has issued a statement on the current situation in Gaza calling for a just and peaceful end to hostilities, and respect for communication rights and the safety of journalists.

Statement on AI governance

02/10/2023 - As technological advancements in AI redefine research and practice in various domains, they also pose ethical and security challenges. The statement emphasises the need for equitable access, AI literacy, open-source systems, and more, in ensuring an ethical and inclusive digital future. See IAMCR's statement on the role of information and communication sciences in the governance of artificial intelligence.

Brazil: Racial quotas attacked

29/12/2022 IAMCR has been active in debates on the need to decolonise and de-westernise theory and research in the field. IAMCR supports affirmative action and policies that ensure greater diversity and social inclusion amongst media scholars and is concerned about a case that represents a dangerous backlash against these policies in Brazil.

Public Service Manifesto

IAMCR endorses the recently-launched Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto, a collective work of communication scholars and practitioners that calls for the safeguarding of the existence, funding, and independence of Public Service Media and the creation of a Public Service Internet.

IAMCR statement on Chile

IAMCR stands in solidarity with journalists and news outlets working to provide coverage of the current crisis in Chile in a way that allows the reasons for the protests to be understood, gives voice to peaceful protesters, and documents abuses by the military and police anti-riot squads.

UK Review devalues education

IAMCR urges its members and the media and communication research and education community to lobby the UK government against proposals that threaten creative and critical scholarship in research in media and communication and to join calls for action in other countries when similar policy moves threaten education in our field.

Digital disinformation challenges

UNESCO and the GNI held a colloquium in Paris on 8 February 2018: "Improving the communications and information ecosystem to protect the integrity of elections”. Prior to that meeting, IAMCR’s Clearinghouse for Public Statements prepared a statement on contemporary challenges for media and communication research posed by digital disinformation.

IAMCR stands with CEU

2 April, 2017 - IAMCR sent a letter today to Hungary’s Minister of Human Capacities, Mr. Zoltán Balog, to protest proposed legislative changes that could change the status of Central European University (CEU), forcing it to close and endangering the academic freedom that enables all universities, including those in Hungary, to flourish.

Freedom under attack in Turkey

28 Feb, 2017 - IAMCR today published a statement condemning continuing attacks on academic, journalistic and artistic freedoms in Turkey. The statement follows the firing of 330 academics in February 2017, bringing the total number of academics fired over the past 8 months to 7,316. The complete text of the statement follows.

IAMCR condemns Executive Order

IAMCR stands in solidarity with all those calling for United States President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration to be rescinded. Banning entry to the United States by citizens of named countries, currently Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, for 90 days, suspending the US Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, and proposals aimed at preparing the ground for ‘extreme vetting’, are unfair discriminatory measures. They entail racial and religious intolerance, result in damage to the lives of individuals and families, and represent a threat to the foundations of democracy. As an academic association with world-wide membership, IAMCR condemns this Order

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