Global Media Policy Working Group

The Global Media Policy Working Group critically investigates the processes that regulate and govern the on-going transformations of global media and communication systems and structures. Special attention is given to the multi-level complexities of this domain, to emerging forms of multi-actor, network and platform governance, and to innovative practices of participation in governing arrangements beyond the nation state. The Working Group also focuses on the democratic implications of policy transformations, and on the fundamental principles, political-economic conditions and social dynamics that favor (or hinder) more transparent and accountable governance models for media and communication. Methodological innovation and new thinking, regarding both the regulation of emerging areas of communications and new mechanisms, processes and norms of policy-making, are fostered through its activities.

Established in 1998, the Working Group has since offered an open space for scientific interaction to examine Global Media Policy as a growing field of research and practice. Over the years, the Working Group has organized conference panels and produced publications. It has also promoted collaborative research (as the IAMCR-OSF Rapid Response Grants on Emerging Issues in Communication Policy) and conducted projects (in particular, the project Mapping Global Media Policy). All this has contributed to consolidate policy-relevant knowledge in the field and to structure Global Media Policy as a scientific domain.

As a Working Group rather than a Section, it typically focuses on a narrower set of topics at the annual IAMCR conferences, and it complements regular conference sessions with thematic roundtables, interactive workshops or practitioner panels, thus promoting thematic collaborations with other Sections and Working Groups as well as with professional worlds outside academia.

Chair: Gerard Goggin (Western Sydney University, Australia) [Contact]
Vice-chair: Sara Bannerman (McMaster University, Canada) [Contact]

See the list of all current members of the Global Media Policy Working Group.

To join the Global Media Policy Working Group, login to your account and select My Sections and Working Groups from the menu. IAMCR members can join up to three sections or working groups.

Follow the GMP Section on Twitter @IAMCRGMP


IAMCR 2012 - Global Media Policy Working Group Call for Papers

The Working Group on Global Media Policy of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions for the IAMCR 2012 conference to be held from July 15-19, 2012 at the Howard College Campus of the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) in Durban (South Africa).

The deadline for submissions of abstracts and panel proposals is February 14, 2012.

IAMCR 2011 - GMP Panel

istanbulAs part of the GMP programme at the IAMCR Conference 2011 to be held in Istanbul, 14-17 July the Working Group on Global Media Policy invites you to the workshop:


Mapping Global Media Policy.

Interactive session on data collection, maps elaboration, scenarios of use and future developments

Istanbul, Kadir Has University - July 14, 14.30-16.00, Room D.100

Istanbul 2011 - Global Media Policy Working Group Call for Papers

istanbulIAMCR Conference 2011
13-17 July, 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey

IAMCR Working Group on Global Media Policy
Call for papers

The Working Group on Global Media Policy is a dedicated space within the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) to discuss global aspects of communication governance and investigate the interplay between different policy actors and levels, from the local to the global, and the political processes that shape media policies. It serves as a forum of debate on these questions at annual IAMCR conferences, and it has created the project Mapping Global Media Policy to advance research in specific policy domains and to map out Global Media Policy as a field of research.

Mapping the Global Media and Communication Policy Landscape

There is growing interest in the international and global governance of media and communication amongst scholars and policy makers, as well as civil society organizations and trans-national issue networks. At the same time Global Media Policy (GMP) as a field of research is under-theorized, not well defined in its boundaries and open to controversial interpretations regarding the main processes and actors involved.

In order to address such challenges, the Global Media Policy working group has been developing a collaborative project aimed at understanding the landscape of global media policy and governance processes. This project is conceived as a first step in the identification, investigation and critical reflection on the major trends and challenges that characterize contemporary media and communication governance processes in the global context.

Go to the project platform

Braga 2010 - Sessions of the Global Media Policy Working Group

The Working Group is planning to hold several sessions about its project 'Mapping Global Media Policy', including a general introduction, a hands-on workshop on the new digital platform, and a discussion concerning future scenarios. The Group is also collaborating with other IAMCR sections in organizing the following joint sessions:

  • 'Women and News Media in Global Perspective: Reflections on the Global Media Monitoring project 2009' (with the Gender and Communication Section)
  • 'Policies for Community Communication' (with the Community Communication Section)
  • 'Rethinking Citizenship in a Globalized World: Lessons from the Field' (with the Emerging Scholars Network)

Braga 2010 - Round Table Policies for Community Communication Call for Papers

braga_2010The Community Communication Section and the Global Media Policy Working Group invite paper proposals for a roundtable on 'Policies for Community Communication'. The purpose of the roundtable is to discuss the policy situation for diverse types of grassroots-based, civil society-oriented and self-organised media, from community radio to blogs, and to distill a policy agenda.

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