DOSSIER BRICS: “Digital Age: technology, culture & communication”
The Visual Culture Working Group (VIC) of the International Assocation for Media and Communication Research – IAMCR – is receiving proposals for a special issue of LUMINA periodical (A2) to be launched at the 2020 IAMCR Conference in Beijing (12-16 July).
It has been almost two decades since BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa inaugurated and held annual summit meetings in five countries. VIC's DOSSIER BRICS intends to offer a cultural map of digital age for a better understanding of a context that can contemplate representations of a technological, digital and cultural scenario in each one of the five countries.
We invite papers related to the following themes. Other issues diversifying BRICS digital culture in any of the 5 BRICS countries are also welcome:
- Digital technology and cultural changes
- Intercultural relations and digital culture
- Digital age and national/ international communication
- New perspectives and methods of studying digital communication
- The texts must be written in English
- The Dossier accepts texts (not published yet) by PhD and PhD candidates
- Only authors from BRICS countries that have presented papers at IAMCR Conferences are eligible to contribute to this Dossier.
- Abstracts submission to VIC Editors: Jan 3, 2020 (90-120 words).
The submission should include an abstract of 90-120 words, 5 keywords and a bio of 90-120 words, including status (PhD, PhD candidate), affiliation and e-mail. - Decisions announcement: Jan 15, 2019
- Full paper submission: Feb 29, 2019
- Notification of Peer reviews: April 2, 2020
- Revision and final paper: April 30, 2020
- Publication online: May 30, 2020
See https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/lumina/about/submissions for submission guidelines.
VIC Editors
Denize Araujo - denizearaujo@hotmail.com
Sunny Yoon - sunny33@naver.com
Thomas Wiedemann - wiedemann@ifkw.lmu.de
Thank you for your attention Please feel free to ask questions or send your comments to denizearaujo@hotmail.com