The Media Education Research (MER) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites chapter proposals for the Handbook on Media Education Research edited by Divina Frau Meigs, Sirkku Kotilainen, Manisha Pathak-Shelat together with Michael Hoechsmann and Stuart R. Poyntz as section editors.
There will be two types of participation:
- By invitation. These chapters will be a maximum of 5000 words in length.
- Open call for “Global Voices.” These contributions will be short chapters of a maximum of 2000 words.
Abstracts for both streams will be received until the 10th of August 2018 to iamcr.merbook@gmail.com.
We encourage scholars, educators and activists across the globe to submit proposals for chapters on a topic of their choice relating to Media Education Research. Possible topics should relate to the five book sections:
- Media Education Histories
- Global Media Cultures and Young People’s Everyday Life
- Media Education, Institutions, and Policy Developments
- Teaching and Learning in/and Media Education
- Citizenship, Communities and Ethics
For more information, visit the book prospectus.
Important dates
- August 10 – Abstract (500 words) including references
- September 15 – Results of the review of abstracts
- December 15 – The complete paper (5000 words for invitation only; 2000 words for Global Voices).
- January 15 – Comments returned to authors following the blind review
- March 15 – The final paper
Both abstracts and full papers should be submitted, in English, as a MS Word file by e-mail to iamcr.merbook@gmail.com.
Submission Guidelines
Language: English
Format: MS Word, size 12 font, double spaced
Required Details: Author’s Name, Affiliation, E-mail, Phone Number
The book will be launched at the 2019 IAMCR Conference. Book abstracts can also be submitted for your presentation at the Conference in 2019.
Thank you for your interest and cooperation. For further inquiries, please email iamcr.merbook@gmail.com.