Visual Culture Working Group
The VIC - Visual Culture Working Group of the IAMCR will hold elections during its business meeting at the upcoming IAMCR conference in Madrid. The date and time of the business meeting will be included in the final programme of the IAMCR 2019 conference.
The current officers of the Working Group are Sunny Yoon (Co-Chair), Deborah Tudor (Co-Chair) and Denize Araujo (Vice-Chair).
VIC will hold elections for Chair, Co-Chair and Vice-Chair.
Considering that Deborah Tudor stepped down, Sunny Yoon will run for Co-Chair and Denize Araujo will run for Chair.
Any IAMCR member who would like to serve as an officer of the VIC-Visual Culture Working Group - must submit their name, institutional position, and a statement of no more than 400 words (with bio and motivation for being a candidate), to the current officers (see contact details below) with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Gerard Goggin (gerard.goggin@sydney.edu.au) and to the IAMCR secretariat (membership@iamcr.org), by June 14, 2019.
You can find the election rules at: https://iamcr.org/governance/swg-rules
- Co-Chair: Sunny Yoon (sunny33@naver.com)
- Vice-Chair: Denize Araujo (denizearaujo@hotmail.com)
Candidates and statements
For Chair/Co-Chair:
- Denize Araujo (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brazil)
- Sunny Yoon (Hanyang University, South Korea)
Denize Araujo (Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brazil)
I would like to be Chair of the Visual Culture Working Group. At the moment I am Vice-Chair.
My name is Denize Araujo and I have a PhD in Comp Lit, Cinema and Arts from the University of California, Riverside (USA) and a Post-Doctorate in Cinema and Arts from the University of Algarve (Portugal). I have been Professor of the Master and Doctorate Course in Communication and Language of UTP - Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Curitiba-Brazil since 2000, and also a Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Cinema, which was a proposal I presented to the UTP and was accepted in 1997. My research is in Cinema and Audiovisual Studies, and I am the Chair of the WG Image and Media Imaginaries of Compós, which is the Brazilian Association of Post Graduation Programmes in Communication.
I have attended IAMCR Conferences for 13 years (since the Conference in Paris, not missing any), and I identify specifically with the Visual Culture Working Group, which contemplates my research themes and correlated ones. As a Chair, I intend to continue the work Sunny Yoon has successfully been doing for many years, especially related to have a variety of papers that deal with cultural identities, new technologies, audiovisual research and visual culture themes in general. I am also planning to establish a partnership with other research groups in South and North America in order to have many viewpoints about visual culture. The result of the partnership can be an e-book and/or an e-event with presentations online for an interchange of ideas. I also intend to encourage artists to attend IAMCR Conferences and bring their statements about Visual Arts and innovative works about visuality and new technologies. Whenever possible, I would like to insert a short movie or videoart presentation in one of VIC´s sessions. I presented short films in Cartagena and a feature film in Oregon. I believe such exhibitions can enhance the Conference. At the moment, I am coordinating a Forum of Audiovisual Research and Production and one of the activities is to produce short innovative films specifically regarding montage-edition. I am also Director of Clipagem - Center of Contemporary Culture – whose objective is to exhibit Brazilian films abroad and exhibit foreign films in Brazil in order to create ways to develop critical analyses aiming to form critical spectatorship.
I am willing to work hard and to commit myself for the development of the VIC WG.
Thank you
Denize Araujo denizearaujo@hotmail.com
Sunny Yoon (Hanyang University, South Korea)
Dr. Sunny Yoon is running for the co-chair of Visual Culture Working Group (VIC), IAMCR. She has been organizing IAMCR conference for last 4 years as the chair of VIC and running VIC activities during inter conference period. She is editing a book, Visuality and Intermediality written by authors from VIC and other collaborators among IAMCR members.
Dr. Yoon conducts research in visual culture and audience studies. Her focus is on social changes and subculture in relation to pop culture in different nations. Dr. Yoon is the author of book, Media industry and Cultural studies (Seoul: Hanarae, 2005) and Feminist perspective of New Communication Technology (Seoul: Hanarae, 2000) and Global Media and Asian identity (Seoul; Seoul National University, 2019). She also has published various articles on youth culture, cinema, and audience studies in major academic journals both nationally and internationally. She has been editor in chief of journal, Asian Communication Research. Dr. Yoon is currently working as a professor, Department of media communication at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea.