Visual Culture Working Group
At IAMCR 2020, on Monday 13 July 2020 at 12:00 UTC/GMT the VIC – Visual Culture Working Group will launch 3 dossiers edited by Denize Araujo, Sunny Yoon and Thomas Wiedemann, will exhibit a short film Leningrad Cowboys – These Boots by Kaurismaki and will present the VIC CineClub, a virtual space for interaction and discussion.
Dossier Visualities & Intermedialities
Interin - V. 25 N. 1 (2020): Jan/Jun 2020
See https://seer.utp.br/index.php/i/issue/view/124
Information: Sunny Yoon (sunny33@naver.com)
Guest of Honor: David William Foster, USA (in memoriam) - The Antarctica Photography of Adriana Lestido
Dossier BRICS: Digital Technology, Culture and Communication
Lumina - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - v. 14 n. 1 (2020)
See https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/lumina/issue/view/1431
Information: Denize Araujo (denizearaujo@hotmail.com)
Dossier VIC-IAMCR “(Audio)Visions: photography, cinema & memory”
Novos Olhares (USP, BR)
See https://www.revistas.usp.br/novosolhares/issue/view/11551
Information: Thomas Wiedemann (wiedemann@ifkw.lmu.de)
Guests of honor: Josep Maria Català Domènech, Spain - Modos de ver, formas de pensar: una genealogia de la Posvisión & Kaarle Nordenstreng, Finland - The Challenge of the BRICS Countries
VIC Cine Club Invitation
The VIC CineClub, curated by Thomas Wiedemann, is a virtual space for interaction and discussion where all participants of IAMCR Sections and WGs can share their comments. Once a month, a new movie is announced and everybody is invited to participate via e-mail or by joining the VIC CineClub Whatsapp Group. Now we are discussing The other side of hope (Aki Kaurismaki, Finland, 2017).
If you are interested, please send an email to Thomas Wiedemann (wiedemann@ifkw.lmu.de).
Here are the films we have already discussed! Join us!
- September/October 2019: Ms J contemplates her choice (Singapore 2015)
- November/December 2019: Toni Erdmann (Germany 2016)
- January 2020: The Other Pair (Egypt 2014)
- February 2020: Parasite (South Korea 2019)
- March 2020: Joker (USA 2019)
- April 2020: Roma (Mexico 2018)
- May-June 2020: The Platform (Spain 2019)
- June-July 2020: The other side of hope (Finland, 2017)