VIC CineClub
VIC CineClub, curated by Thomas Wiedemann, will focus on French movies and is inviting you to send your comments on two outstanding works of French cinema, both past and present, and both available online:
- On the one hand, we chose “Muriel” ("Muriel ou le Temps d’un retour”) by Alain Resnais (1963), a classic of French film history, and we are proud to open our discussion with a very thoughtful comment by our guest of honor, Roger Odin, a longtime connoisseur and expert of French cinema. Read it here. And thank you very much, Roger Odin, for your wonderful inspiration!
- On the other hand, we would like to talk about “Rust and Bone” (De rouille et d’os) by Jacques Audiart (2012), one of the greatest successes of French cinema in recent years. Please find a review on the film here: https://variety.com/2012/film/markets-festivals/rust-and-bone-1117947557
What is your opinion about the films? As always, we accept any kind of comment. The ideas you might want to share with us are not limited to film content or aesthetic issues. Just write Thomas Wiedemann (wiedemann@ifkw.lmu.de) an email with your insights and thoughts (in English, French or Spanish) or join the VIC CineClub Whatsapp Group (https://chat.whatsapp.com/GQhPrlOy9QP8THAlvQlFia) and share your comment there!
Dossier about French Cinematography
VIC is also planning a dossier about French Cinematography organized by Denize Araujo and edited by Claudia Lambach. The dossier will be VIC’s tribute to Lyon, birth of cinema and seat of IAMCR Conference 2023, and intends to have texts in two clusters (French cinema history, French film analyses through diverse viewpoints from different cultures). Its objective is to offer a panorama of French cinematography and how it is considered in France and in other countries around the world. We accept texts by PhDs and PhD candidates. The dossier will be published in “Famecos Journal”, monthly from February with 2-3 texts every month. If you are interested, please send your abstracts and minibios (70-90 words each) to denizearaujo@hotmail.com and cmql@hotmail.com by January 12, 2023. More details in English and French below.
Dossier French Cinematography: in France & around the World
The Dossier French Cinematography: in France & around the World, organized by Denize Araujo, PhD-Post-Doctor, and edited by Claudia Lambach, PhD-Post-Doctorate candidate, is VIC´s tribute to Lyon, birth of cinema, and now seat of IAMCR Conference 2023. The Dossier intends to have texts in two clusters: the first cluster about French Cinema History from the Silent Era to Surrealism, to Poetic Realism, to French New Wave, to 1980´s “Cinema du Look”, to a new kind of Realism, to the Age of the Auteur and finally to Multimedia Digital Age. The second cluster about French Film analyses through diverse viewpoints by researchers from different cultures. The objective is to offer a panorama of French Cinematography and how it is considered in France and in other countries around the world. We accept texts by PhDs and by PhD Candidates, and also by PhDs and one coauthor. The Dossier will be published in “Famecos Journal”, monthly from February, with 2-3 texts every month. Please send your abstracts and minibios (70-90 words each) to denizearaujo@hotmail.com & cmql@hotmail.com by Jan 12, 2023.
Cinématographie Française: en France & dans le Monde
Le Dossier Cinématographie Française: en France & dans le Monde, organisé par Denize Araujo, PhD-Post-Doctor, et édité par Claudia Lambach, PhDPost- Doctorator, est l'hommage du VIC à Lyon, naissance du cinéma, et maintenant siège de la conférence IAMCR 2023. Le dossier a l'intention d'avoir des textes en deux grappes : le premier grappe sur l'histoire du cinéma français de l'ère silencieuse au surréalisme, au réalisme poétique, à la nouvelle vague française, au « cinéma du look» des années 1980, à un nouveau genre de réalisme, à l'ère de l'auteur et enfin à l'ère numérique multimédia. Le deuxième grappe sur le cinéma français analyse à travers divers points de vue des chercheurs de différentes cultures. L'objectif est d'offrir un panorama de la Cinématographie Française et de la façon dont elle est considérée en France et dans d'autres pays du monde. Nous acceptons des textes de docteurs et de doctorants, ainsi que des docteurs et un coauteur. Le dossier sera publié dans le Famecos Journal, tous les mois à partir de février, proposant 2 à 3 textes par mois. Veuillez envoyer vos résumés et minibios (70-90 mots chacun) à denizearaujo@hotmail.com et cmql@hotmail.com, avant le 12 janvier, 2023.