Religion and Communication Working Group
The Religion and Communication Working Group (REC) will be holding online elections for one Vice-chair position, for the term 2021 - 2025.
The elections will be held online from 16 June until 14 September using the SurveyMonkey platform. Individual members and representatives of institutional members who are also registered as members of the REC working group are eligible to stand for a position and to vote.
The current officers, Yoel Cohen (chair) and Binod Agrawal (vice-chair) were elected in 2019, while Míriam Diez is serving as interim vice-chair since 2020.
Interested candidates must send their name, institutional position, a statement of no more than 500 words and a photograph to elections@iamcr.org with a copy to the REC working group’s current officers, Yoel Cohen (prof.yoelcohen@gmail.com), Binod Agrawal (indianharmony@gmail.com) and Míriam Diez (miriamdb@blanquerna.url.edu), no later than 16 May.
All candidates must be current members of IAMCR, and of the REC working group. To verify if you are a member of the working group, log in to your IAMCR account and select “My Sections and Working Groups” from the menu.
You can find the election rules at: https://iamcr.org/governance/swg-rules
Read about the Religion and Communication Working Group
- Miriam Diez Bosch (Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University, Spain)
Miriam Diez Bosch (Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University, Spain)
Dear colleagues,
The voting period for the IAMCR 2021 Elections has started.
I am writing to send more information about my candidacy for Vice-Chair at the Working Group Religion and Communication.
I am a passionate for Media and Religion for more than 30 years. I am a professional Journalist specialized in Religion and have been covering the Holy See for 10 years in Rome. Nowadays I live in Barcelona and I am most focused on research at the University.
I serve now as Vicedean of Research, Doctorate, Masters and International Relations /Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations/ Ramon Llull University/ Spain (www.blanquerna.url.edu) where I am the Director and founder of the Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture (www.obsblanquerna.com) as well as the Director. Religious Freedom and Belief Chair launched by the Catalan Government (Justice Department). I am also the Scientific Director at Tripodos Journal on Communication (www.tripodos.com).
My interests are Media, Religion and Culture, Youth, Gender, Leadership and Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue. I speak Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, French, Modern Greek and I can read Portuguese. I know the IAMCR since I was a little girl since at home this organization was well-known and much appreciated. I would be honored to serve actively in our Working Group.
I strongly believe research on Media and Religion should be more known globally and I would like to organize meetings among us to further discuss it, not only in the precious time of the IAMCR annual gatherings. I am convinced that we need to make our work circulate, quoted, disseminated.
I would like to bring to the IAMCR working group on Religion all my expertise and willingness to consolidate the group, make it grow, include more scholars from different parts of the world, both junior and senior, and be able to publish, disseminate our work and be competitive to also partnership with institutions alike.
Hope I can count on your support and thanks for reading this message. I’d be happy to answer your questions. You can reach me here: miriamdb@blanquerna.url.edu
Best wishes,
Miriam Diez Bosch