Media Production Analysis Working Group
The Media Production Analysis Working Group (MPA) will be holding elections for one co-chair position, for the term 2022 - 2026.
The elections will be held online from 20 May until 5 July using the SurveyMonkey platform.
Eligible members of IAMCR and of the MPA working group, are able to stand for a position and to vote. To verify if you are a member of the MPA working group, log in to your IAMCR account and select “My Sections and Working Groups” from the menu.
Interested candidates must send their name, institutional position, a statement of no more than 500 words and a photograph to elections@iamcr.org with a copy to the SWG elections coordinator Andrea Medrado (A.Medrado@westminster.ac.uk) and to the MPA Working Group’s current officers, Willemien Sanders (w.sanders@uu.nl) and Anna Zoellner (A.Zoellner@leeds.ac.uk), no later than 29 April.
You can find the election rules at: https://iamcr.org/governance/swg-rules
Read about Media Production Analysis Working Group
- Concha Edo (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- Arezou Zalipour (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Concha Edo (Professor of Journalism/ Honorary professor, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
I am an active member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research IAMCR and the Media Production Analysis Working Group since 2012. For the past ten years I have taken part in all the yearly Conferences plus several pre and post-Conferences in the field of media production and journalism. I present my candidacy to co-chair the WG to serve as an officer and collaborate with co-chair Anna Zoellner to reinforce the activities in-between conferences with the organization of symposiums, networks of researchers, publications and joint works in case I am elected, increasing the visibility of MPA´s researchers and production.
I have developed my career first in the news media field, working for several years as a journalist for a national leading newspaper and later as a researcher at Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain) so I have first-hand experience and expertise in media production plus the perspective and methods I have acquired in many years as a researcher in the field. I have done pioneering research in online news media and social media in Spain. In recent years have oriented my research to the technological changes, the use of robots, algorithms, news agreggators and new formats production such as podcasts and collaborative journalism. Along my career, I have published over 70 books, book chapters and papers; I chaired the Spanish Association for the Research in Journalism (SEP) for several years during which I launched both its academic journal and the Latin American network. As a visiting scholar I have developed my research at the University of Maryland, Reuters Institute and City University.
I am a regular contributor to other international research networks and intend if elected to reach out to other communities of researchers and promote the interchange of views and perspectives on research projects; also, to strengthen the relationship with other Sections and Working Groups within IAMCR and promote a conjoint peerreviewed publication by MPA members within the Palgrave Book Series along the next term. The group has been growing steadily under the direction of Willemien Sanders, who has been co-directing the working group with obvious efficiency for years. I kindly ask your support to my candidacy to provide momentum at this point and invite all MPA members to contact me at conchaed@ccinf.ucm.es for further details.
Concha Edo (Catedrática de Periodismo/ Profesora Honorífica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España)
Soy miembro activo de la Asociación Internacional para la Investigación de Medios y Comunicación IAMCR y del Grupo de Trabajo de Análisis de Producción de Medios desde 2012. Durante los últimos diez años he participado en todas las conferencias anuales, además de varias conferencias previas y posteriores en el campo de la producción de medios y el periodismo. Presento mi candidatura para copresidir el GT para servir como oficial y colaborar con la copresidenta Anna Zoellner para reforzar las actividades entre conferencias con la organización de simposios, redes de investigadores, publicaciones y trabajos conjuntos en caso de que sea elegida, aumentando la visibilidad de los investigadores y la producción de MPA.
He desarrollado mi carrera primero en el campo de los medios de comunicación, trabajando durante varios años como periodista para un periódico líder nacional y más tarde como investigadora en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España) por lo que tengo experiencia y conocimientos de primera mano en la producción de medios, además de la perspectiva y los métodos que he adquirido en muchos años como investigadora. He realizado investigaciones pioneras en medios de comunicación online y redes sociales en España. En los últimos años he orientado mi investigación a los cambios tecnológicos, el uso de robots, algoritmos, agregadores de noticias y la producción de nuevos formatos como podcasts y periodismo colaborativo. A lo largo de mi carrera, he publicado más de 70 libros, capítulos de libros y artículos. He presidido la Asociación Española para la Investigación en Periodismo (SEP) durante varios años durante los cuales lancé tanto su revista académica como la red latinoamericana. Como profesor visitante he desarrollado mi investigación en la Universidad de Maryland, el Instituto Reuters y la City University de Londres.
Soy colaboradora habitual de otras redes internacionales de investigación y tengo la intención, si soy elegida, de llegar a otras comunidades de investigadores y promover el intercambio de puntos de vista y perspectivas sobre proyectos de investigación; también, fortalecer la relación con otras Secciones y Grupos de Trabajo dentro de IAMCR y promover una publicación conjunta revisada por pares por parte de los miembros de MPA dentro de la Serie de Libros Palgrave a lo largo del próximo período. El grupo ha estado creciendo constantemente bajo la dirección de Willemien Sanders, quien ha estado codirigiendo el grupo de trabajo con una eficiencia obvia durante años. Le pido amablemente su apoyo a mi candidatura para dar impulso en este momento e invito a todos los miembros de MPA a ponerse en contacto conmigo en conchaed@ccinf.ucm.es para obtener más detalles.
Arezou Zalipour (Associate Professor, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
I have worked within Higher Education for 23 years, and my research, teaching and publications have crossed both disciplinary and geographical borders – with my first doctorate in the poetics of creativity and imagination and a second PhD which offered a theoretically innovative, groundbreaking study of the production processes, strategies and audience reception of Asian New Zealand cinema. My book Migrant and Diasporic Film and Filmmaking in New Zealand is the first substantial study to examine production processes of pan-Asian diasporic filmmakers in New Zealand. This book attracted large media attention and was featured on the IAMCR website in 2019. My research impact has led to an industry appointment (2020- ongoing) in the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Group at New Zealand Film Commission, to develop D&I policy framework for the media (co)production sectors in the country.
I am currently an Associate Professor of Film, Department of Screen production, School of Communication Studies at Auckland University of Technology (AUT). My research focuses on the intersections of culture, storytelling and diversity in screen-based media production, practice and industry. A new strand of my research is on video essay and mobile filmmaking. Last year I established AUT Centre for Screen Practice Research which focuses on screen and media production analysis and research anchored on practice. I have sat on or led several committees at the universities I have worked, including Head of the School of Arts, Research Committees, Teaching and Learning Committees, Curriculum Development Committee, Faculty Boards, PG Board of Studies and examination, and external appointments including the Royal Society of NZ’s Catalysts Leaders funding panel, and NZFC’s D& I Leadership Group, among others. I pride in ensuring my research includes and impacts the communities beyond academia. I have been Director and curator of the first multicultural film festival in NZ (In)visible NZ film festival, 48 hours filmmaking regional judge, Board of governance and Trustees of Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust NGO, Vice President of Hamilton Film Society, among others.
I believe the various roles across my career have provided me with skills, experience and thinking that make me a befitting candidate for the role of co-Chair. I am an effective team player and communicator. I will actively work with IAMCR’s principal objectives that have increased the range of voices and perspectives that the Association represents. If elected co-Chair, I would strive, with your support to ensure that the Media Production Analysis Working Group continues to play a key role in supporting new researchers and supporting research excellence. We can imagine and influence the future of media production together.
I invite all MPA members to contact me at arezou.zalipour@aut.ac.nz for further information.