Media Production Analysis Working Group
The Media Production Analysis working group of the IAMCR will hold elections during its business meeting at the IAMCR conference in Madrid, following the session on Wednesday 10 July at 16:00.
The working group provides a venue for researchers of media production in different genres, across different media, and in different professional and cultural contexts. It focuses on a variety of media technologies, organisational contexts and genres to grasp the internal and external dynamics of media production processes and cultures.
The current officers of the Working Group are Willemien Sanders (co-chair) and Fawad Shah (co-chair).
Considering that Fawad Shah is resigning after the 2019 conference, there is a vacancy for the position of co-chair. The mandate will last for four years.
Any IAMCR member registered as member of the MPA Working Group who would like to serve as an officer of the MPA Working Group must submit their name, institutional position, and a statement of no more than 400 words (with bio and motivation for being a candidate), to the current officers (see contact details below) with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Gerard Goggin (gerard.goggin@sydney.edu.au) and to the IAMCR secretariat (membership@iamcr.org), by June 21, 2019.
You can find the election rules at: https://iamcr.org/governance/swg-rules
Co-chair Willemien Sanders: w.sanders@uu.nl
Candidates and statements
For Co-Chair:
- Anna Zoellner (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
Anna Zoellner (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
I have been involved with the Media Production Analysis Working Group since 2008 and would like to put myself forward as co-chair for the group. I have regularly presented my work at IAMCR conferences, organised panels for the Working Group and co-edited Advancing Media Production Research, which was published in the Palgrave IAMCR book series. Originally from East Germany, I am currently working as a lecturer at the University of Leeds (UK), teaching and researching about media industries, media production and media labour. Prior to my academic career, I have worked in film and television production. My research lies at the intersection of cultural/media industries, media production research, and critical cultural labour studies with a particular focus on television and film as well as production research methodologies. I am committed to interdisciplinary and comparative research and feel that the international nature of IAMCR is one of its great strengths.
As co-chair of the Working Group I would like to explore ways in which we can broaden the presentation and publication of production research beyond Anglo-American contexts and the English language. This may involve, for example, language support for scholars in presentation and publication, the promotion of dedicated conference panels, or the development of publication proposals aiming to diversify media production scholarship. With this in mind, I would seek to enhance the active communication in the Working Group to facilitate a network enabling collaboration and support within the media production research community. In a similar vein, I would like to expand synergies and collaborations with other relevant associations, such as the Media Industries and Cultural Production Section of ECREA and the Media Industry Studies Interest Group at ICA. Finally, I would also like to explore how the Working Group engages with practice and seek to expand the ways in which media production scholars can communicate their work to industry.