The International Communication Section cordially invites all its members to the online Business Meeting that will be held on 8 June 2024, 12:00 noon CET
Zoom link: https://qut.zoom.us/j/83790147903?pwd=acK40mo9cZbPsWsPsEQpIDDCApAl2V.1&from=addon
We are getting closer to our IAMCR 2024 conference in Christchurch. We understand that some of you may not be able to travel to this beautiful venue, for different reasons. Nevertheless, this year is an important one for the Section: there will be a new leadership team, and we would like to say ‘farewell’ to all of you – both those who will not be participating this year and to those who will be accompanying us in Christchurch!
As you know, during the last period we have faced difficult times. The current leadership team became elected/re-elected in 2020, the year of the pandemic, and we were able to stay together through videos and online sessions in which we tried to, at least, remain together as a community of scholars who are, above everything else, friends – also in difficult times. This modality continued in 2021 and 2022, and last year, in Lyon, we were able to celebrate with a party and karaoke session on July 10 at La Fabryk restaurant in Lyon…! We thank all of you who joined us there and helped us with the singing (for better or worse, ha ha…) We sincerely thank our sponsor, the Journal of Transcultural Communication, for being a steady supporter who has accompanied us through all these years.
After 2024 the leading team will move on – Vice Chair (2016-2024) Prof. Deqiang Ji has become Vice Dean at Communication University of China; Vice Chair (2020-2024) Kateryna Kasianenko is coming to the final, hardest part of her PhD degree at the very prestigious Queensland University of Technology; and I have been honored to have been elected Vice President of IAMCR after 12 years at the International Communication section (2012-16 as Vice Chair and 2016-2024 as Chair). We will continue to be linked to this wonderful section – the best one of IAMCR to us, with the best remembrances that we will always cherish in our hearts; however, we will now move on to some other activities in our academic areas as well.
The new INC Leading Team will be chaired by Prof. Sudeshna Roy, currently at Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas, United States. She will have the valuable assistance of elected vice chairs Anilesh Kumar, Beijing Normal University / Hong Kong Baptist University, and from Pinar Aslar, from Üsküdar University in Turkey. We welcome them cheerfully and wish them the very best in their new leading roles!
We would very much like you to join us on June 8 in this very special Business Meeting. We understand of the difficulty the time difference in your area may cause. It becomes difficult (if not impossible) to arrive to a time in which everyone is pleased but look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!
Karen, Deqiang and Kateryna
The INC Leadership Team