The Gender and Communication Section (GEN) will be holding online elections for one co-chair and one vice-chair positions, for the term 2024 - 2028.
The elections will be held online from 23 April to 14 May using the SurveyMonkey platform. Individual members and representatives of institutional members in good standing, who are also registered as members of the Gender and Communication Section will be eligible to stand for a position and to vote. Voters will receive a voting link on 23 April.
To verify if you are a member of the GEN section, log in to your IAMCR account and select “My Sections and Working Groups” from the menu.
See the candidates and read their statements below.
Read about the Gender and Communication Section
More information and timeline at https://iamcr.org/s-wg/elections2024
For Co-chair:
For Vice-chair:
- Priya Chadha (GGDSD College, Panjab University, India)
- Gauri D Chakraborty ((Bennett University, India)
- Patricia Núñez Gómez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Carolina Matos (City University of London, UK)
With over 30 years experience in both journalism and academia in the UK, US and in Brazil, my name is Dr. Carolina Matos and I am a senior lecturer in Media and Sociology and Research Lead at the Department of Media, Culture and the Creative Industries (MCCI), School of Communication and Creativity, City, University of London. I was elected as co-chair of the Gender and Communication section in 2020, and since then I have worked on the newsletter, with vice-chair Professor Patricia Nunez Gomez, from the University of Complutense Madrid Spain, as well as having developed various webinars and worked with my co-chair Dr. Wajiha Raza on the Gender and Communication section for the past IAMCR conferences. My research interests lie in the fields of communications for social change, gender, health and international development, gender and sexuality studies, journalism and international communications and are in line with the research interests of IAMCR’s Gender and Communication section. I am also a visiting research and former associate professor in Global Communications at the Department of Journalism and Media Management, at the School of Communication, University of Miami, US and also a research collaborator at IESP UERJ RJ Brazil.
Previously a former full time journalist for 10 years, I have over 21 years teaching and researching in UK higher education institutions, including having taught at the LSE, University of Essex, UEL, Goldsmiths and City University, having also taught in Brazil and in the US. I have inspired and mentored many students as well as early career researchers, and have published four books, various journal articles and edited book chapters. My latest book Gender, communications and reproductive health in international development was published in June 2023 by McGill Queen’s University Press, was funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and examined how 52 NGOs from across the world, in the North and South, make use of communications strategically for advocacy on gender equality and reproductive health.
As an academic I have embedded in my research a commitment to social justice, to equality and to conducting ethical research that is international, collaborative and inclusive, and which is sensitive to global challenges and to the circumstances of disadvantaged and marginalized groups, particularly to how communications can be used to tackle inequalities, informing and influencing policy. I am particularly committed to cultivating the bridges across differences and to strengthen the work of early-career scholars and others from the Global South, having throughout the years inspired and helped many students and early career academics. I am currently working with both universities and NGO partners in the UK, US, Spain, India, Bangladesh and Brazil.
I can thus contribute to strengthen the sections’ global reach, as well as working alongside the Gender and Communication section’s members, the president, vice-president of IAMCR as well as other academics from the International Council to make IAMCR, and academia, a more ethical and collaborative space that values more diversity and difference, as well as peoples’ experiences and research from across the world.
Priya Chadha (GGDSD College, Panjab University, India)
Priya Chadha currently serves as Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at GGDSD College, Panjab University, India. She obtained a Merit position in Masters Degree in Mass Communication from Kurukshetra University and Ph.D from Punjabi University, Patiala, India. She has done B.Sc Home Science in First Division and Post Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics from Panjab University. She is a recipient of a U G C (University Grant Commission) grant to present a paper titled ‘A Critical Analysis of Television Viewing and Physical Activity of Adolescents’ at the University of Oxford. She has also presented an online paper titled ‘Internet Usage and Well Being of Adolescents’ at University of Harvard.
She is chairing Young Communicator Club at the college level under the aegis of the Public Relation Council of India which has been awarded 'Best Club'by Honourable Governor of Gujarat Shri Acharya Devvrat recently . She has also been awarded Adarsh Vidhya Saraswati Rashtriya Puraskar by Global Management Council, Best Paper Presenter Award at the International Council on Research, Teaching, Education and Learning held at Deira , Dubai , United Arab Emirates organised by Teaching and Education Research Association.
Besides handling academic and administrative positions such as press releases, coordination with press, public relations, she has remained sub registrar of Arts, Superintendent, deputy superintendent during Panjab University Examination. She has organised national, regional seminars, workshops and inter college competitions.
Member of the Vetting Committee to vet the contents/scripts of its programme, “Sehat Ka Vardaan-Naari ka Samman” being broadcast since 1st August 2016 at Panjab University Community Radio Station, Jyotirgamaya 91.2 MHz, the programme is being catalysed and supported by the National Council of Science and Technology Communication through the DST project, ‘Science for Women Health and Nutrition through Community Radio’. The programmes are being produced in association with Panjab State Council of Science and Technology. Apart from International Association of Media and Communication Research, she is also a life -time member and is also on the Advisory board of Global Research and Development services. She is also a life member of All India Dietetics Association, a member of Commonwealth Journalists Association and Centre for Internet and Media Ethics.
She is also consultant editor on honorary basis for Peep India the weekly English daily newspaper. Inhouse post graduate department newsletter ‘Expressions’ and Journalism section of college magazine ‘Tragmurti’.
Dr Priya Chadha has produced various documentaries and short films which have won international and national acclaim at various competitions and festivals. She has presented papers at various national and international levels and published papers in international and national journals and articles in national dailies.
While interested in Childhood and women Wellbeing, Media Literacy, Health Communication, Public Relations and Vis-a- Vis Changing Media Technologies, currently her Ph.D research and writing is devoted to the A Critical Analysis of Nutritional Status of Adolescents Vis –a- Vis Changing Media Technologies.
Gauri D Chakraborty (Bennett University, India)
I am currently Professor at Times School of Media, Bennett University, India and also head the University’s Women Development Cell.
I have graduated from Asia’s premier institution, Film and Television Institute of India, Pune and have been a part of the Audio-Video Industry since 1995. I have been a media professional for the first 10 years of my career, from 1995 to 2005. Working with award-winning filmmakers, television channels like Doordarshan and Zee Telefilms provided a wide range of exposure of the professional medium. An enriching assignment during my tenure as a practitioner was to work with BBC WST on HIV awareness in India. Training and educational films has been my forte and I have directed films for CWG 2010 volunteer training program, The Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) as well as certain government departments in India.
Since 2006, I have contributed to teaching and research in a robust and ever evolving media training landscape in India. My years in education include 16 years at Amity University and 3 years at Bennett University. My research interests are related with narratology in film and media focusing on gender studies, film spectatorship, archiving of women’s histories. I take immense pride in having chronicled and listed the women alumni across six decades from FTII, Pune – the premier training institution established in 1960s. The research work published as a book titled Balancing the Wisdom Tree traces the fine details of women participation since 1965 of one of the world’s largest industries.
I have always believed that the intersection of academia with industry is essential for media. My contribution as Festival Director for the International Association of Women in Radio and Television (Chapter India) IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival in 2019 and again in 2023 is a result of that conviction. Dialogue between practitioners and researchers imparts vigour to advocating gender conversations across the world with a purpose. I also firmly believe in contributing to climate change and am regularly involved with CMS Vatavaran’s projects concerned with films on environment as nomination jury since 2017. My association with community radio and earlier freelance work has been connected to reproductive health.
Internationalization has been a key area as a university professional and I would like to contribute as Vice-Chair by bringing this attribute to the tenure if the candidature is accepted. Belief in gender equity is of utmost importance as an academician, thus in my personal capacity as a participant of civil society, I founded Vansh Vyom in 2016, as an initiative celebrating matriarchy and the performing arts.
I have been associated with the GEN section as a member and presented my research multiple times at IAMCR conferences. It would be a commitment to work in tandem with the other elected candidates as a team and generate collaborative spaces of discussion. With a background in curating events and forums on gender-based issues, it will be an opportunity to organize unique platforms both within and outside IAMCR membership.
Patricia Núñez Gómez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
My name is Patricia Núñez, from Spain. I am a full Professor and the Head of Applied Communication Science Department in the Faculty of Media & Communication at Complutense University.
Until now, I have been working as Vice-chair of Gender at the IAMCR Association with my colleagues in the section. We have created the Newsletter of the section trying to join different news, congresses, research lines of different associations, universities, and NGOs from all over the world.
We have promoted different online and face to face seminars in collaboration with gender networks as Unitwin and Ecrea, for example.
I am working with UNITWIN (Universities Network of Gender, Media, and ICT) representing Spain in this organization. Our last event has been the participation in March in the Commission on the status of women in United Nation in New York. http://www.unitwin.net
Visiting scholar in different universities of Latin America, Asia and European countries.
Member of the ECREA Executive Board. My role in Ecrea is the relation with the Global institutions, especially in International Conferences and participation with some important institutions as ALAIC (Latin American Association of Communication Researchers) trying to join different points of view and gain visibility through conferences and panel, implementing international networks.
I am also a member in ECREA of the EDI committee, a committee about Equality, Diversity, and inclusion.
Member of different European project based in gender and equality as EDIRE (Equality, diversity, and inclusion for research enhancement) or RISEWISE (Women with disabilities in social engagement) project. We are also working in DIGITALFIT, a project based on influencers and their effects on girls´ and women’s health.
The outputs of those projects have been developed in publications, articles (more than 100) and guides about gender and the New Generations, a guide for gender media literacy, reports about gender violence in social networks and manuals related to how to improve indicators of gender in media published by Unesco with my colleagues of UNITWIN.
Head of SOCMEDIA (Group of communicative behaviors and competences developed by children and young people (digital natives) promoting equality and gender in schools via the use of new media and ICT.
As a team, we would like to continue developing the section by joining more voices all over the world and organizations, contributing to the role that IAMCR Association has as a reference in the communication area. We would like to keep on working with our section members to increase their networks, helping them to share their interests promoting collaborative space.
Looking and working for a better and inclusive world, giving a voice to people, and sharing opinions to get it.