Some of IAMCR's Sections and Working Groups will be holding elections for their officers during IAMCR 2015 in Montreal. Below are the election announcements of the individual Section and Working Groups.
The elections will be managed by the incumbent officers of each section or working group, in accordance with the Rules and practices for the election of Section and Working Group Heads adopted by the International Council in Dublin, June 25th, 2013.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Sections and Working Groups holding elections in 2015
- Diaspora and the Media Working Group
- Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication
- Gender and Communication Section
- Health Communication and Change Working Group
- Law Section
- Media and Sport Section
- Media Education Research Section
- Popular Culture Working Group
- Religion, Communication and Culture Working Group
- Visual Culture
Diaspora and the Media Working Group
The Diaspora and the Media Working Group will be holding elections for the offices of Chair and Vice-Chair as the current officers, Roza Tsagarousianou and Jessica Retis respectively, have expressed their intention to step down. The election of new officers will take place during the IAMCR conference in Montreal in July 2015.
We are therefore inviting interested persons to put their names forward for election.
Interested candidates are requested to send their name, institutional affiliation, position and a statement of no more than 500 words to the current section heads Roza Tsagarousianou <tsagarr[at]westminster.ac.uk>, Jessica Retis <jessica.retis[at]csun.edu> and John Sinclair <j.sinclair[at]unimelb.edu.au> with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamcr.org> by 10 June 2015.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication
The IAMCR Ethics of Society & Ethics of Communication Working Group will be holding elections during the section business meeting at the upcoming conference in Montreal.
The Head of this group is formed by the Chair and Two Vice Chair positions. The terms run for four years and re-elections for a second term are valid.
Responsibilities include all phases of conference programming for the group as well as participation in association-wide decision-making, both during face to face meetings before and sometimes after the annual conference and, between conferences, online. Within that remit, there is room for a great deal of creativity in conceptualizing, organizing, and populating sessions; engaging in substantive and programmatic collaborations with other sections; stimulating collaborative research; working with emerging scholars; and so on.
Nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Candidates are requested to send their name, institutional affiliation, position and a statement of no more than 500 words to the current section head, María Teresa Nicolás <mnicolas[at]up.edu.mx> with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamcr.org> by 10 June 2015.
The working group currently has has two co-chairs. Manuel Pares i Maicas is stepping down while María Teresa Nicolás is standing for a second four-year term.
Elvira García of the Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU and Yanick Farmer of the Université du Québec à Montréal are standing for the two vice-chair positions.
If anyone would like to talk about the possibilities for the group -- as well as the challenges it faces -- and/or about the responsibilities of the chair and vice-chairs, happy to talk. Please respond to my personal email at mnicolas[at]up.edu.mx
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Gender and Communication Section
The Gender and Communication Section has two Chairs, Kaitlynn Mendes, University of Leicester, and Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh, Butler University.
We would like to add up to two Vice-Chairs to the management team of the working group.
Interested candidates should send their name, institutional position and a statement (500 words at most), to Kaitlynn Mendes <kaitylylas[at]hotmail.com> and Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh <mgeertse[at]butler.edu>, with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamc.org>.
The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
The election will take place at the Gender and Communication Section business meeting in Montreal.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Health Communication and Change Working Group
The Health Communication and Change Working Group of IAMCR will be holding elections during the working group’s business meeting at the upcoming conference in Montreal. The working group's current Co-chair Marjan de Bruin will be stepping down. The working group's current Chair, Kate Holland, is seeking to move to the position of Co-Chair.
We invite candidates for the position of Chair and we would also like to add one Vice-Chair to the management team of the working group.
The terms runs for four years and re-elections for a second term are valid.
Responsibilities include all phases of conference programming for the group as well as participation in association-wide decision-making, both during face to face meetings before and sometimes after the annual conference and, between conferences, online. For the past four years the working group has been conducting its activities jointly with the HIV and AIDS Communication Working Group.
Nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Candidates are requested to send their name, institutional affiliation, position and a statement of no more than 500 words to the current working group chair, Kate Holland <Kate.Holland[at]canberra.edu.au> with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamcr.org> by 10 June 2015.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Law Section
The IAMCR Law Section will hold elections during the section business meeting at the upcoming conference in Montreal. Both the head and the vice-head positions are open. The terms run for four years.
Responsibilities include all phases of conference programming for the section as well as participation in association-wide decision-making, both during face to face meetings before and sometimes after the annual conference and, between conferences, online. Within that remit, there is room for a great deal of creativity in conceptualizing, organizing, and populating sessions; engaging in substantive and programmatic collaborations with other sections; stimulating collaborative research; working with emerging scholars; and so on.
Nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Interested candidates should send their name, institutional position and a statement (maximum 500 words) to Sandra Braman <bramansandra (at) gmail.com with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamc.org>. The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Media and Sport Section
The IAMCR Media and Sport Section will hold elections for chair and vice-chair during the section business meeting at the upcoming conference in Montreal (Tuesday July 14, 16:00-17:30 Room: DS-M260)
The current section chair, Alina Bernstein, will step down as head. The current vice-chair, Deirdre Hynes, is running for chair of the section.
Nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Interested candidates should send their name, institutional position and a statement (maximum 500 words) to the current chair, Alina Bernstein <alinabernstein[at]gmail.com>, with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamc.org>. The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Media Education Research Section
The Media Education Research Section of the IAMCR will hold elections during its business meeting in Montreal.
Current officers (Co-Chairs Divina Frau-Meigs and Manuel Pinto) are stepping down following a 2 + 4 year mandate (and an extension due to inability to be present in Hyderabad last year).
Candidates for the positions of Chair and Co-Chair are requested to send their name, institutional affiliation, position and a statement of no more than 500 words to the current Co-Chairs Divina Frau-Meigs <divina.meigs[at]orange.fr> and Manuel Pinto <mjspinto[at]gmail.com> with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamc.org>. The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
The election will be held during the Business meeting on Wednesday, July 15, at 14:00 – 15:30 in Room: DS-M280.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Popular Culture Working Group
The IAMCR Popular Culture Working Group will hold elections during the working group's scheduled business meeting at the Montreal conference. The position of Chair and Vice-Chair are open and the term of office for both is four years.
Responsibilities for the Chair include all phases of conference programming including the management and moderation of the paper selection process and timetabling of sessions. The Chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chair and the working group, is also involved in Association level policy discussion and decision-making.
The current chair, Bary King, is seeking re-election.
Nominations and self-nominations are invited. Nominees should forward to the current Chair, Barry King (including name, institutional affiliation, position and a statement of no more than 500 words) with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamc.org>. The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
Any informal questions about the positions should be sent to the current heaad, Barrry King, at barry.king (at) aut.ac.nz.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Religion, Communication and Culture Working Group
The IAMCR Religion, Communication and Culture Working Group will hold elections during the working group's business meeting at the upcoming conference in Montreal.
Current co-chair, Yoel Cohen, is seeking reelection. The mandate of co-chair Victor Khroul (who was elected at the business meeting in Dublin) continues uninterrupted.
Nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Interested candidates should send their name, institutional position and a statement (maximum 500 words) to the current chair, Yoel Cohen <ysrcohen[at]netvision.net.il>, with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis[at]westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership[at]iamc.org>. The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.
Visual Culture Working Group
The Visual Culture Working Group will be holding elections during its business meeting at the Montreal Conference. The Working Group is looking for candidates for a co-chair and/or a vice chair. The current vice chair, Myonghae Kim will be stepping down and the chair, Sunny Yoon will be running for the chair position for another 4 years. We expect that candidates be members of Visual Culture Working Group with a commitment to our group of at least three consecutive years. Interested candidates should send their name, institutional position and a statement (maximum 500 words), to Sunny Yoon (sunny33 [at] naver.com) with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Maria Michalis <M.Michalis [at] westminster.ac.uk> and to the IAMCR secretariat <membership [at] iamc.org>. The deadline for submitting candidacies is June 10.
See the statements of the candidates on the Section and Working Group Candidate Statements page.