The Audience (AUD) Section will be holding online elections for two co-chair and three vice-chair positions, for the term 2025 - 2029.
The elections will be held online from 7 to 21 May using the SurveyMonkey platform.
Individual members and representatives of institutional members in good standing, who are also registered as members of the Audience Section by Monday 5 May, 2025, will be eligible to stand for a position and to vote. Voters will receive a voting link on 7 May.
To verify if you are a member of the AUD Section, log in to your IAMCR account and select “My Sections and Working Groups” from the menu.
Interested candidates must send their name, institutional position, a statement of no more than 500 words and a photograph to elections@iamcr.org with a copy to the SWG elections coordinator, Andrea Medrado (A.Medrado@exeter.ac.uk) and to the AUD section current officers, Miguel Vicente Marino (miguel.vicente@uva.es), Asta Zelenkauskaite (az358@drexel.edu), Nissim Katz (nisimkolota@gmail.com), Maite (María T.) Soto-Sanfiel (maite.soto@gmail.com) and Rafal Zaborowski (rafal.zaborowski@kcl.ac.uk), no later than 4 April.
Read about the Audience Section.
More information and timeline at https://iamcr.org/s-wg/elections2025
For Co-chair:
For Vice-chair:
Nissim Katz, Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel
My name is Dr. Nissim Katz. I am a faculty member and senior lecturer of communication department at Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee. My research interests are “media and social change” and “media and audiences” specifically audiences such as national and ethnic minorities.
I have been a member of IAMCR for many years, I appreciate very much the IAMCR organization and especially the AUD section. I participated and presented my articles in AUD section more than nine times. Also, I was vice chair of the AUD section for one term (4 years). As a vice chair, I helped the head sections to review the abstracts submitted to the section and help to build the sessions in the conferences program. I have also been chairing sessions in the AUD section.
Globally, I am a member of ICA and AIS and have many connections with scholars in communication research field worldwide. In Israel I was a board member of Israel Communication Association. In my membership I helped to organize the annual conferences. Also, I was a financial critic member of the Israel Communication Association. In addition, I was the founder of “Junior Faculty forum” of Israel Communication Association and the first chair of “Junior Faculty Forum” in Israel. During my Ph.D. studies I founded the “Junior Faculty Forum” to build a community of young scholars and researchers to assist them academically and mentally. To do so, I gathered all the Ph.D. communication students in all universities across Israel. I started the forum with twenty people and today this community numbers over two hundred people. In this forum, I initiated various academic workshops to help students during their Ph.D. degree and created a supportive community where students share experiences, obstacles, methods and help each other.
I believe I can continue to bring my abilities in creating an academic community to the AUD section and continue to assist the chairs elected to enhance their goals in advancing the AUD section academically, organizationally, and numerally. I will be more than glad to continue as vice chair for the second term.
To conclude, I will be more than happy to contribute my skills to the AUD section. I have organizational skills and human skills to be an excellent vice-chair. For me it will be a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with the best researchers and have experience in worldwide organization.
Thank you,
Dr. Nissim Katz