The International Communication Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) is organising a conference to be held 12 July at the Communication School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Campus Praia Vermelha in Brazil.
Call for papers
“Digital Services in the Audiovisual World: Markets, Boundaries and Policies” - An Overview of the Digital Audiovisual Market
Date: Wednesday, July 12th 2017
Location: Communication School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Campus Praia Vermelha
- Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (arriazaibarra@ccinf.ucm.es)
- Raquel Paiva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (raquelpaiva.soares@eco.ufrj.br)
Call for Papers:
In the digitalized world of today audiovisual markets are growing towards the implementation of new services. In the meantime, users are increasing their consumption of devices while, at the same time, manufacturing companies do not seem to stop producing new, updated items. It seems like a non-stop race heading…. Where?
What are the advances in this respect, in the different regions of the world? Is the digital divide going wider as are other significant divides in the human societies, or are we all approaching to MacLuhan’s concept of “Global Village”? To what extent are the digitalized services contributing to the development and improvement of societies, and in which aspects? And when it comes to the limits and boundaries, are governments around the globe also considering the benefits for recipients of the new digitalized technologies, their impact on the future generations, or are they only acting in the interest of the economic agents?
In this conference of the International Communication (INC) Section of IAMCR we aim to receive works presenting the digital services in Europe, South America, and in the different regions of the world, in order to provide a global landscape of digitalized services and their impact in the different regions of the world.
Abstracts in English, Spanish and Portuguese are welcomed.
Deadline for the submissions of abstracts: 31 May, 2017.
Please submit your abstracts to the Chair of the International Communication Section of IAMCR, at the following email address: arriazaibarra@ccinf.ucm.es
Download this call for abstracts in English, Spanish and Portuguese (PDF)