Volume 6, Number 1 of the Political Economy of Communication journal is now available online. One of the highlights is an edited version of Robert Hackett's plenary presentation at the recent IAMCR conference in Oregon, "Planetary Emergency and Sustainable Democracy: What Can Media and Communication Scholars Do?" The journal of IAMCR's Political Economy Section is free and open access.
Political Economy of Communication journal website
Volume 6, Number 1 includes:
Wayne Hope & Peter Thompson
A New Kind of Information Warfare? Cyber-conflict and the Gulf crisis 2010–2017
Tarek Cherkaoui
Communication as Resistance in Food Politics
Alana Mann
The Refugee Crisis in the Croatian Digital News: Towards a Computational Political Economy of Communication
Paško Bilić, Ivo Furman & Savaş Yildirim
Review essay: Media Economics: Missed Opportunities, Mischaracterizations
Scott Fitzgerald & Dwayne Winseck
Commentary: Planetary Emergency and Sustainable Democracy: What Can Media and Communication Scholars Do?
Robert Hackett