The Visual Culture Working Group (VIC) of the International Assocation for Media and Communication Research – IAMCR – is receiving proposals for chapters for an e-book “Visualities and Intermedialities” until January 8, 2018. The e-book will strengthen research about two themes the VIC explores through conference presentations: visuality and intermediality. The project seeks to expand the field of visual culture through essays that deal with themes that cross VIC and other IAMCR Sections and Working Groups. This creates a panoramic view of international approaches to the two themes that can contemplate the scenario of visuality in various media and the hybridization among them.
"Visuality" presents the discourse and particularized cultural habits of viewing art and media in general. The study of visuality occupies a central place in the symbolic operations of contemporary and historical societies. "Intermediality" refers to the interconnectedness of modern media of communication. As means of expression and exchange, the different media depend on and refer to each other, both explicitly and implicitly; they interact as elements of particular communicative strategies; and they are constituents of a wider cultural environment.
The e-book intends to offer a scenario of contemporary visual media studies and their intertexts, including Cinema, Audiovisual, Photography, Visual Arts, Design, Fashion, and Multimedia, among other sociocultural visual manifestations. We seek participants from Europe, America, Africa, and Asia to provide polyphonic voices about the themes, yielding a multicultural of sociocultural views.
Abstracts for the e-book will be received until Jan 8, 2018. The e-book will be made available on the IAMCR website and launched at the 2018 IAMCR Conference. Papers should be in English.
- Jan 8 – abstract with 250 words, 5 keywords and minibio with 100 words sent to the Editors
- Feb 18 - result of abstracts (blind reviews)
- March 20 - complete paper (12 to 15 pages) + abstract + minibio
- April 10 – result of chapters
Send proposals to Denize Araujo denizearaujo@hotmail.com
The Editors of the e-book are:
- Sunny Yoon (Head of the VIC)
- Deborah Tudor (Co-Head of the VIC)
- Denize Araujo (Vice-Head of the VIC)