The Media Production Analysis Working Group (MPA) will be holding online elections for one co-chair position, for the term 2024 - 2028.
The elections will be held online from 23 April to 14 May using the SurveyMonkey platform. Individual members and representatives of institutional members in good standing, who are also registered as members of the Media Production Analysis Working Group will be eligible to stand for a position and to vote. Voters will receive a voting link on 23 April.
To verify if you are a member of the MPA Working Group, log in to your IAMCR account and select “My Sections and Working Groups” from the menu.
Interested candidates must send their name, institutional position, a statement of no more than 500 words and a photograph to elections@iamcr.org with a copy to the SWG elections coordinator Andrea Medrado (A.Medrado@westminster.ac.uk) and to the MPA Working Group's current officers: Anna Zoellner (A.Zoellner@leeds.ac.uk) and Concha Edo (conchae@telefonica.net) no later than 16 April.
Candidate statements will be posted on this page as they are submitted.
Read about the Media Production Analysis Working Group
More information and timeline at https://iamcr.org/s-wg/elections2024
Pedro Jerónimo (University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal)
Dear colleagues,
As a member of the Media Production Analysis (MPA) Working Group (WG), I kindly ask for your support for my candidacy, to serve our WG as Co-chair. I am running as a candidate for Co-chair and asking for your vote with the commitment to bring the MPA WG dedication and work, experience in team building and network development and theoretical and practical knowledge - with more than 60 publications - in the field of media production.
I have been a member of IAMCR and an active participant for the past 10 years. As a researcher, I was founder and first Chair of the Local and Community Media WG of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (SOPCOM) and I lead at present a team of senior and young researchers at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal.
I learned first-hand the pressures and conditioning factors of media production working as a journalist in the Leiria region in Portugal for ten years. Then I moved into Academia. This experience in the field was decisive for my career as a researcher. As a direct witness and active participant along the digital transformation of the newsrooms I decided to focus my doctoral studies on its challenges and opportunities, becoming a pioneer in the study of online local journalism and Social Media production in Portugal.
I lead currently, at the UBI, a research-action project funded by the FCT (Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation) on local media production, tackling also with disinformation, media literacy and news deserts. As a team, we have recently expanded our interests towards the analysis of alternative media news production and, also, Artificial Intelligence (AI).
If elected, I am totally committed to promoting research on the impact of AI in media production within the WG as the MPA plays a vital role in shaping the future of the media. Media production is facing one of the biggest challenges along media history in all sectors: creative and fact-based, digital, and analogical; across all media and platforms, but especially in the audiovisual realm. Our contribution, as researchers, is essential. At the same time the traditional barriers between sectors and industries are increasingly blurred, another challenge our WG must face in the near future.
I have great affinity with the objectives of IAMCR as an advocate for excellence in research, collaboration among the members and diversity, based on my own experience and values but also because of Portugal's cultural heritage - marked by African, American and Asian influences; set within Europe and looking, across the Pacific, towards Ibero-America. I was co-founder of the SOPCOM Young Scholars WG and my commitment to support young scholars is as strong as ever and to work with Concha Edo, current Co-chair, as a team. I am open to discuss my candidacy and give you further details at pj@ubi.pt