The Global Media Policy Working Group (GMP) will be holding online elections for one chair position, for the term 2024 - 2028.
The elections will be held online from 23 April to 14 May using the SurveyMonkey platform. Individual members and representatives of institutional members in good standing, who are also registered as members of the Global Media Policy Working Group will be eligible to stand for a position and to vote. Voters will receive a voting link on 23 April.
To verify if you are a member of the GMP Working Group, log in to your IAMCR account and select “My Sections and Working Groups” from the menu.
See the candidates and read their statements below.
Read about the Global Media Policy Working Group
More information and timeline at https://iamcr.org/s-wg/elections2024
Gerard Goggin (Western Sydney University, Australia)
nstitute for Culture and Society
Western Sydney University
Based at Western Sydney University, after recent stints at NTU Singapore and University of Sydney, my work focusses on the social, cultural, political, and –– especially –– policy and governance dimensions of emerging media technologies.
I have a longstanding interest in communication rights, social justice, and digital media and emerging technology policy as these take shape and play out across global, regional, national, and transversal settings. I have undertaken pioneering work in a number of areas of global media policy including mobile media and communication, disability, and citizens and consumers. I have major projects underway on digital transaction platforms in Asia, policy & governance ‘after the smartphone’ in Southeast Asia, and digital citizenship and disability.
For over a decade, I have been extensively involved in IAMCR’s GMP WG. I first presented a paper the GMP stream at IAMCR Durban 2012, and then have presented, convened panels, and participated in the activities, conceptualization, organization, and leadership of the WG (including a stint as Chair, stepping down in 2016). I have a strong interest in novel methods, concepts, and approaches in global media policy research, and for various years collaborated on the GMP signature project Mapping Global Media Policy. Most recently, I was co-editor on the 2024 Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads volume produced by GMP.
After two terms serving as Secretary-General of IAMCR, I am keen to return to GMP in a leadership role. Global media policy is critical at the present conjuncture, given the complex developments internationally in communication and media technology infrastructures, audiences, and practices. The need for rigorous, creative, and fit-for-purpose research in the global media policy is even more essential than when the GWP WG was inaugurated.
There appears to agreement that GWP is at a watershed moment in terms of its rationale, role and modus operandi. If elected, I will work with the Vice-Chair, longstanding members of the working group, supporters and collaborators across IAMCR (especially colleagues in the Communication Policy Technology section), established and emerging scholars in global media policy, and international partners and stakeholders, to undertake a fundamental review and discussion of the WG’s future relevance and viability, its function and place in the field and Association, what concrete priorities and plans it might formulate and implement.
My sense is that the working group remains a unique and precious group to support the interdisciplinary, dynamic, and switched-on community of global media policy researchers. Further that in the next four years, following a critical assessment of the fundamentals, we can play a reconfigured and vital role in incubating, shaping, and bringing to bear global media policy research, especially paving the way for the next generations of scholars.