Below are links and information to a number of resources that will help you get around IAMCR 2015, whether you are in Montreal or following the event online.
Access the programme via the online app
Watch the plenary sessions online in realtime
Username: webcast Password: webcastiamcr
Twitter: @iamcr2015 @IAMCRtweets #iamcr2015 #iamcr
Instagram: @iamcr2015 #iamcr2015
Consult the abstracts of the papers being presented to the Sections and Working Groups
- Audience - AUD
- Communication Policy & Technology - CPT
- Community Communication - COC
- Emerging Scholars Network - ESN
- Gender and Communication - GEC
- History - HIS
- International Communication - INC
- Journalism Research and Education - JRE
- Law - LAW
- Media and Sport - MES
- Media Education Research - MER
- Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society - MPS
- Participatory Communication Research - PCR
- Political Communication Research - POL
- Political Economy - POE
Working Groups:
- Comic Art - COA
- Communication and HIV/AIDS - Health Communication and Change - HCC
- Crisis Communication - CRI
- Diaspora and Media - DIM
- Digital Divide - DID
- Environment, Science & Risk Communication - ESR
- Ethics of Society & Ethics of Communication - ETH
- Islam and Media - IAM
- Media Production Analysis - MPA
- Popular Culture - POC
- Post-Socialist, Post-Authoritarian - PSP
- Public Service Media Policies - PMP
- Religion, Communication and Culture - RCC
- Visual Culture - VIC
Note: We have endeavoured to ensure that these are the abstracts presented in Montréal. Nevertheless, due to cancellations, additions and other factors, abstracts may be included here that were not presented and abstracts that were presented may not be included. Please advise us of any errors at support2015 [at] iamcr-ocs.org.