IAMCR 2010 Plenary Addresses Published

The programme, a book with the collected plenary addresses, and the more than 1,200 abstracts of the papers presented at the 2010 IAMCR conference held in Braga, Portugal are available from the following links.
Lauren Dyll-Myklebust (South Africa), one of the young scholars to be awarded an IAMCR scholarship to attend IAMCR 2010 conference in Braga, tells us about her experience at "a conference ‘with a heart’ where the social events are enjoyed by all and people from diverse backgrounds, passionate about their fields of study, relax with each other, laughing and learning together".
IAMCR's 2010 Conference was held 18-22 July 2010 in Braga, Portugal. The more than 1,200 abstracts accepted for presentation are now available for download from IAMCR's website in PDF format. Abstracts are organised by their respective Sections and Working Groups.
Click here to consult the abstracts.
Walys Becerril was one of eleven young people from low-income countries to receive a scholarship to help defray the costs of attending and presenting a paper at IAMCR's 2010 conference in Braga, Portugal. This was Walys' second time at an IAMCR conference – the first was in 2009 when she was one of the many volunteer students who contributed to the success of the conference in Mexico.
IAMCR conferences enjoy a very warm and informal atmosphere, providing the opportunity for researchers to talk and discuss with emerging scholars, professors and experienced academics. Subba Rao GM -an IAMCR travel grant recipient in 2010- tells us about his first experience with an IAMCR conference, both from the human and academic perspectives.
Follow IAMCR's 2010 conference online whether or not you are in Braga with the Twitter hashtag #iamcr2010, via IAMCR's Facebook Page, the IAMCR 2010 Facebook Event page and the conference's blog.
If you are are blogging from the IAMCR Conference, or know of someone who is, send the URL to amailhos[AT]iamcr.org and we'll add it to a conference blogs list.
Just in time for the conference we have introduced some changes to IAMCR's website. We added a column on the right where we can add modules to highlight activities and content on the site and elsewhere.
The draft of the General Assembly Agenda is now available. The event will take place in the Auditorium B1 (CP 2) at 4.30pm, 22 July, right before the Closing Ceremony.
At last count there were 982 participants registered for this year's Congress in Braga, Portugal. If you haven't already done so, visit the conference website and register online. Register by 25 June and save EUR 50 off the full registration fee.
IAMCR/Panos London Joint Plenary in Braga
This year IAMCR is sharing an open plenary session with Panos London. The session will share and discuss three case studies from Africa that will demonstrate innovations, challenges and opportunities for creating spaces to improve citizenship through communications.
The session’s objective is to provide a platform for collaborative thinking and projects in communication and citizenship for African practitioners and theorists.
The detailed programme of IAMCR 2010 Conference is now available on line at the Conference website. Click here to go through the Programmes of IAMCR Sections, Working Groups and Emerging Themes Programmes and more...
900 participants and counting... 900 participants have already registered to participate in IAMCR 2010 Conference. If you haven't already done so, click here to register online. Register before 25 June and save EUR 50.
Whether or not you have registered, early booking of accommodation and flights is strongly advised. Information about hotels and online booking are available at the conference website.
With support from UNESCO, IAMCR has been able to offer five travel grants of USD 2,500 to defray the cost of participation of researchers from Least Developed Countries and Small Developing Island States at this year's conference in Braga, Portugal. The awards offered to researchers from Bangladesh, Cuba, Ethiopia, Nepal and Yemen who will prepare and present papers at the conference.
The papers will be presented within the programmes of the Commnication, Policy and Technology Section and the Environment, Science and Risk Working Group.
IAMCR has awarded six travel grants worth up to US$2,000 each to members who will be attending and presenting papers at the 2010 Conference in Braga, Portugal, 18-22 July 2010. The grants will go towards offsetting the cost of participating in the conference.
All of the awardees are from low-income countries, and have abstracts accepted for presentation at the conference.
The deadline to register at the early registration rate for IAMCR 2010 Conference has passed but you can still save 50 euros off the late fee if you register before 25 June. Whether or not you have registered, early booking of accommodation and flights are strongly advised. Information about hotels and online booking are available.
The conference programme outline is available for download and the final details of the parallel programme are being completed.
Having received numerous requests from authors and from Heads of Sections and Working Groups, IAMCR has decided to extend the deadline for submission of full papers for its July 2010 conference in Braga, Portugal. The additional time will facilitate the submission of higher quality papers for Braga while leaving time for Heads of Sections and Working Groups to receive and process the submissions, including sharing them with discussants where appropriate and reviewing them for possible later publication. The new deadline is 1 June 2010.
Almost all of IAMCR's Sections and Working Groups have completed their evaluation of abstracts and either invited authors to submit full papers or communicated their regrets that the papers will not be able to be presented at the Braga conference in July.
Nevertheless, we are aware that a number of authors have not yet received responses. In most cases the problem appears to be automatic anti-spam filters that are marking the invitation and regret messages sent by Section and Working Groups as spam and refusing to deliver them.
Preparations are in full gear for what promises to be one of IAMCR's most diverse and well attended conferences. IAMCR 2010 gets underway in the picturesque Portuguese city of Braga from July 18-22.
There has been a robust response to the Association's Call for Papers, with over 2000 scholars from some 85 countries applying to make academic presentations. Persons submitting abstracts hail from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, North America, Africa, Australasia and all other global regions.
March 15 was announced as the date for communicating information regarding abstracts that are accepted or declined for Braga.
Several Section and Working Group heads have announced their decisions, consistent with this time-frame. However, some heads have requested more time due to the one week extension at the front end of the submission process and the fact that an exceptionally large number of abstracts were submitted, requiring review.
Please be assured that IAMCR's Section and Working Group heads are working as fast as possible to complete the review process and you will be informed as soon as their decisions are available.
The deadline for applying for these travel grants to defray the cost of attending IAMCR's 2010 conference has past.
IAMCR is offering 6 travel grants worth US$2,000 each to offset the cost of participating in the 2010 conference in Braga, Portugal. The deadline for applications was 15 April 2010.
The grants are available to current IAMCR members residing in low income countries (see IAMCR's definition of low income countries) who have an abstract accepted for full presentation at the conference. Abstracts accepted for poster sessions do not qualify. (announcement of acceptances will be made in March). Three of the grants are reserved for members from Latin America and the Caribbean.
CLOSED - The deadline was 1 April 2010 - IAMCR is pleased to announce that UNESCO has agreed to provide US$12,500 to support the participation of researchers from Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States at IAMCR's 2010 conference in Braga, Portugal.
UNESCO's support will provide for up to five travel grants of $2,500 for scholars residing in low-income countries who prepare a paper for one of the sections or working groups listed below.
Preparations continue for IAMCR's 2010 Conference to be held in Braga, Portugal, from 18-22 July 2010.
The deadline for submitting abstracts has passed. Two thousand abstracts were submitted and the review process is now taking place. Announcement of acceptances will be made on March 15 and full papers are due on April 30.
Registration is now open on the conference website. Please note, there are three registration phases. Register before 30 April to qualify for a €150 discount or before 25 June to qualify for a discount of €50.
IAMCR welcomes the submission of proposals for its 2010 Conference to be held in Braga, Portugal, from 18-22 July 2010. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended for one week. The new deadline is Monday 8 February.
The general theme of the conference is 'Communication and Citizenship: Rethinking Crisis and Change'.
Section and Working Group calls for papers will be linked from here as they become available.
Communication and Citizenship - Rethinking Crisis and Change
Communication and Citizenship - Rethinking Crisis and Change is the main focal and timely theme for the IAMCR 2010 International Conference.
The acceleration of change and the globalization of fear and uncertainty are features of the present. The speed of transformations in all regions of our volatile and hyper-complex world makes it increasingly difficult to read social reality and to act meaningfully.
Universidade do Minho will host the 2010 IAMCR Congress in Braga, Portugal, 18-22 July 2010. The theme for the 2010 Congress will be Communication and Citizenship.
Further details will be published here and at the 2010 IAMCR Congress official website as they become available. The 2010 Congress' news can also be followed through its Twitter feed.