Book: Communication & Human Rights - free download

Communication and Human Rights is the title of a book that brings together papers presented at the plenary sessions of IAMCR's 2009 conference in Mexico City.
IAMCR's 2009 conference was held in Mexico City. The conference theme was Communication and Human Rights / Comunicación y derechos humanos.
Communication and Human Rights is the title of a book that brings together papers presented at the plenary sessions of IAMCR's 2009 conference in Mexico City.
The organisers of IAMCR's 2009 conference in Mexico City took thousands of photos of the ceremonies, sessions and receptions. We have posted a selection of almost 200 of them here.
Some people will be blogging, twittering or posting photos or video from the IAMCR Conference in Mexico.
To help the IAMCR community know what is happening in Mexico we are putting together a list of the online reports we have found. See the list below.
A PDF file of the final programme for IAMCR's conference in Mexico (21-25 July) is now available for download from the conference website.
Whether or not you will be in Mexico from July 21-25 for IAMCR's annual conference, there are a number of ways of following the conference online and sharing your comments or questions with colleagues around the world on the Internet. These include live webcasts of most of the main sessions, recorded podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, the IAMCR website, the conference website, IAMCR's announcements mailing list, and your own blogs.
The Central Programme of IAMCR's 2009 conference in Mexico will be webcast live on the Mexican Congress Channel and on UNAM's webcast site . You will also be able to download podcasts from UNAM's podcast site.
We are glad to announce that the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France has now ended its travel restrictions to Mexico on official missions.
Read the original announcement on CNRS site here...
The detailed programme and the abstracts of IAMCR 2009 Conference are now available on line at the Conference website.
Click here to go through the Programmes of IAMCR Sections, Working Groups, Special Sessions and more...
IAMCR president, Annabelle Sreberny, and Aimée Vega Montiel, Chair of the Local Organising Committee of IAMCR's 2009 conference in Mexico have confirmed that the conference will proceed as planned from 21-24 July 2009. They also announced that in recognition of the difficulties encountered by some conference participants, the deadline for registering at reduced early registration fees will be extended to 15 July.
The bags that will be provided to the 2009 IAMCR Conference attendees are made of tenangos, a type of embroidery produced by Otomí craftswomen in the municipality of Tenango de Doria in the state of Hidalgo in Mexico.
Nine cash awards to subsidise the cost of attending IAMCR's upcoming conference in Mexico have been awarded.
All of the awardees are young (under 40 years of age), from low-income countries, and have abstracts accepted for presentation at the conference.
The spread of the H1N1 virus is being contained and the fear of a massive global pandemic is receding, for which we are all very thankful. IAMCR will keep alert to any further developments, with due regard to the safety of all our members.
But as of now, the IAMCR Executive Board and the Local Organising
Committee in Mexico City are intent that our planned Conference in
Mexico City will go ahead. Our decision is based on WHO and Mexican
Health Office assessments.
IAMCR's 2009 conference is scheduled to take place from 21-24 July in
Mexico City, where there has been an outbreak of swine flu. In a message
sent to the membership on behalf of the Executive Board, Annabelle
Sreberny, president of IAMCR expressed the Board's concern regarding the
situation and its hope that the outbreak will be contained swiftly.
Sreberny added that the Executive Board is monitoring the situation
closely and is in regular contact with the local organising committee in
Mexico City, headed by Aimée Vega Montiel.
The recipients of nine cash awards to subsidise the cost of attending IAMCR's upcoming conference in Mexico have been notified. They were selected from over ninety applications received from across the world.
The online registration and payment system for IAMCR's 2009 conference in Mexico City from 21-24 July is now operating.
Click here to register online or for information on conference fees in English, or here to register or for information in Spanish.
The IAMCR 2009 conference website also has information about accommodation, the conference theme, visa requirements, etc.
Please note the deadline to take advantage of significant early registration discounts is 15 May 2009.
Considering that the 27th IAMCR Congress 2009 will be in Mexico City (July 21-24), it is appropriate to have a special panel session discussing how graphic and visual representations of human rights in Latin America are constructed through such topics as identity, immigration, minorities, citizenship, democratic opportunities, globalization, hybrid cultures, and so on.
IAMCR's Executive Board has agreed that the deadline for the submission of conference abstracts should be extended by approximately two weeks. Other dates have also been adjusted to take account of this change.
Given challenging economic conditions globally, we are committed to doing all that is possible, including through this deadline extension, to encourage widest possible participation in the Mexico City Conference.
The new website of the 2009 Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) is up and running.
The 2009 IAMCR Conference will take place at the Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco - UNAM, in Mexico City (Mexico) July 21-24 2009. The theme for the 2009 conference will be Human Rights and Communication.
Visit the conference website...
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades will host the 2009 IAMCR Conference in Mexico City, Mexico July 21-24 2009. The theme for the 2009 conference will be Human Rights and Communication.
More information will be available on this website and on the IAMCR announcements email list as it becomes available.
Click on the link below to download the conference poster in PDF format