Sanchari De, a research scholar at Jadavpur University in India, received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2015 in Montreal and present her paper "Political Mobilization and the Network of Shared Cultural Connectivity: An Attempt to Locate The Shahbag Movement in Bangladesh beyond the Realm of Virtual Sphere" to the Emerging Scholars Network.
Montreal was my first IAMCR conference and I had an engaging experience. The experience was very fruitful not just because I got the chance to discuss my research interest with like-minded peers, but also because I was able to engage with different reseach interests which expanded my horizon of critical engagement. I also got to experience the academic environment in Montreal.
The Emerging Scholar Network (ESN) was very active in bringing scholars together. Apart from providing constructive comments on my paper, ESN arranged social gatherings and we were all given the opportunity to provide feedback for the betterment of IAMCR. The social gatherings arranged by IAMCR provided good opportunities to connect with other scholars. Moreover, the gatherings left me refreshed and helped me to start the next day with a rejuvenated mind.
The format of IAMCR conference might appear to be intense and exhausting. However, I found this kind of format is a good academic experience where we can get the chance of getting engaged in an intense schedule. IAMCR also provided me with the oppportunity to interact with publishers and avail the exclusive discounts they were offering for IAMCR participants.
I wish to thank IAMCR for organising this conference and granting me the travel funds and I am looking forward to attending the next conference in Leicester!
Please consider making a donation to the travel grant fund. It's a great way to encourage emerging scholars and new perspectives within IAMCR.
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