Diversity is essential to IAMCR

Luíza Alvim (left) with other members of the Visual Culture Working Group
Luíza Alvim (left) with other members of the Visual Culture Working Group

Luíza Alvim was temporarily employed as a lecturer in communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil  when she received a travel grant to attend IAMCR's 2015 conference in Montreal. She presented her paper, “Rhythms of images and sounds: an analysis of films by Robert Bresson”, in the Visual Culture Working Group.

IAMCR 2015 was very important to me as it made it possible to strengthen the links I established with the Visual Culture Working Group, in which I presented for the second time, the first being in Hyderabad in 2014. It was again an opportunity to share my work beyond the boundaries of my own country and Portuguese speaking people.

Being at an IAMCR conference for the second time also gave me the feeling of meeting old friends, while, at the same time, meeting new specialists in my research field (Music, Sound and Cinema).

I could only attend this year conference thanks to the travel grant I received, as I am about to be unemployed and July is an expensive month to travel. I feel very grateful for this chance but also sad because it will be very difficult to continue attending future conferences without travel grants.

I hope IAMCR's policy of grants will continue helping other people like me - from low and middle-income countries and with no tenured position – to attend the conferences. Diversity is essential to a great international conference like IAMCR, and it is partly ensured by the support of our participation. So, thank you again for promoting it.

Luíza Alvim
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Please consider making a donation to the travel grant fund. It's a great way to encourage emerging scholars and new perspectives within IAMCR.

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