Webinar on Democracy and Media

In addition to conferences and related activities, IAMCR co-sponsors conferences, seminars and other activities around the world. Our 37 Sections and Working Groups, national and regional ambassadors, and other bodies may also organise events. You can also see information about upcoming events.
IAMCR's Media Production Analysis Working Group invites proposals for the online conference “Researching Media Production in the Global South” to be held on 30 May 2024. The deadline for submissions is 30 March, 2024.
23 March, 2024 @14.30 UTC - The Gender and Communication Section in collaboration with DME Media School in Delhi, is pleased to announce a webinar celebrating International Women's Day, titled "Women Emancipation through Entrepreneurship: Empowerment and Social Change".
IAMCR's Gender and Communication Section and the DME Media School in Delhi marked International Women's Day with the webinar "Inspiring Women - Global Faces / Gendered Media Space: Shattering the Glass Screen"
18-19 November, 2021 - IAMCR co-sponsored the 13th International Media Readings in Moscow "Mass Media and Communications 2021" organised by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, featuring six rounds of thematic sessions, 28 sessions with nine special panel sessions and two plenary sessions.
15 October 2021 -The Gender and Communication Section organised the webinar "Digital ethnographies, intersectionality and interdisciplinarity: Feminist methodologies from quantitative to participatory methods and queer research in the Covid- 19 age". Watch the recording here.
15 September, 2021 - The Political Communication Research Section will be holding an online seminar on the German Parliamentary Election 2021, with guest speaker Prof. Dr. Ursula Münch (Academy for Political Education Tutzing). After a short lecture the online audience will be able to ask questions and discuss the recent campaign.
On 3 July, the Gender and Communication Section sponsored the online symposium "Being Marginal- Performing Raced and Gendered Labour", organised by Dr. Maha Bashri of United Arab Emirates University and Dr. Shobha Avadhani of National University of Singapore.
April –May, 2021 - IAMCR is co-sponsoring the eleventh annual “What is…?" conference, to be held online as a Speaker Series. "What is Communication?" (2021) will investigate instantiations and permutations of communication via models of exchange, modes of inquiry, and meanings of community.
20-28 February, 2021 - IAMCR is co-sponsoring the Second AMCAP Doctoral Spring School 2021 organised by the Association of Media & Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP-Pakistan) in collaboration with Punjab Higher Education Commission. The Spring School will take place at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
IAMCR co-sponsored the 2020 Moscow Readings organised by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University from 19-20 November. More than 150 speakers took part in plenary and thematic sessions, and a total of more than two hundred people from 25 countries attended the online conference.
August 3 – 7, 2020 - Co-organised by Uma Shankar Pandey, IAMCR's ambassador in India, and Adamas University Kolkata, the IAMCR-India webinar series on Media and Communication Research featured five keynote speakers throughout the week. Watch the webinar series here.
6-8 February, 2020 - As part of its ambassador initiative, IAMCR is co-sponsoring the "Journalism in 2019: Creativity, Profession, Industry" conference to be held at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
April 30–May 2, 2020 - IAMCR is co-sponsoring the 10th annual “What is…?" conference to be held at the University of Oregon in Portland, Oregon, USA. The 2020 version will focus on What is information?
7– 8 November, 2019 - IAMCR's Political Economy Section supports the international seminar Platforms and diversity: Netflix under debate, to be held at the University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain.
24–25 October, IAMCR's Communication Policy and Technology Section will co-organise the International Conference Communication Rights in the Digital Age to be held 24–25 October 2019 in Helsinki, Finland.
17–18 October, 2019 - IAMCR's Digital Divide WG and Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies WG will co-organise the International Media Readings in Moscow "Mass Media and Communications-2019" with the theme Digitalizing Media: Communication, Audiences, Policies
1 - 2 July, 2019 - IAMCR co-sponsored the 3rd European Data and Computational Journalism Conference in Malaga, Spain.
19 October 2017 - IAMCR’s Participatory Communication Research Section and Roskilde University are pleasd to invite artists, academics, and students to submit proposals for the Imagine Europe seminar that will take place Thursday, 19 October 2017, 9 AM – 5 PM in Roskilde, Denmark.
25 May, 2017 - IAMCR's History Section is co-sponsoring a pre-conference that will take place on May 25, 2017, prior to the ICA in San Diego. The topic is: “Audiences? The familiar unknown of communication historiography”. The preconference is dedicated to bringing together scholars from across the spectrum of communication research and from around the globe to illuminate the history of audiences, media practices and media use.
20-21 April, 2017 - IAMCR's Media Production Analysis Working Group is sponsoring the international conference Researching Media Companies Producing Audio-visual Content. It will be held at Lillehammer University College in Norway. The deadline to present proposals is Thursday 1 December 2016.
6-8 April, 2017 - IAMCR is co-sponsoring the seventh annual “What is…?" conference. The 2017 version will focus on What is life and how is life mediated? It will take place at the University of Oregon in Portland, Oregon, USA.
5-9 December, 2016 - IAMCR's Participatory Communication Research Section, in cooperation with Jinan University, is offering a PhD Winter School on Participation & Communication at Jinan University in Guangzhou, China. PhD students in the middle phase of their studies, from all regions of the world are invited to apply.
8-10 June 2016 and 29 July - After two preparatory meetings in 2015, in Montreal and Paris, the Société française des sciences de l'information et de la communication (SFSIC) and IAMCR agreed to organize a series of events to encourage the building of international bridges between researchers across different communities.
IAMCR is co-sponsoring a record number of 12 pre-conferences in the days leading up to IAMCR 2016 in Leicester. Topics range from the Spanish Civil War to children's rights to anti-austerity media activism and digital surveillance.
May 3-4, 2016 - IAMCR will co-sponsor Knowledge is key: The Contribution of Research to Securing the Safety of Journalism, a UNESCO Research Conference to be held in Helsinki, Finland to mark World Press Freedom Day.
April 25 - 26, 2016 - IAMCR is co-sponsoring the conference "Comparing media systems in BRICS countries: A review of conventional paradigms". Organised by the Department of Media of Russia's Higher School of Economics the conference will be held in Moscow.
April 14-16, 2016 - IAMCR will co-sponsor What is Media?. The conference is organised by the University of Oregon and seeks to address questions such as: What is media today? How is media studies defined? How have media technologies transformed media theory and practice? What are the futures of media and how are they evolving?
27 September 2015 - IAMCR is co-sponsoring - Gendering Communication for a Sustainable and Smart Planet, a roundtable to be held at EXPO 2015 in Milan, Italy on 27 September 2015. The event is organised by the University of Padova Center for Gender Studies and DonneinQuota and also co-sponsored by the Women’s European Coalition Against Media Sexism (WECAMS). UNESCO's Global Alliance for Media and Gender (GAMAG) is also involved.