With the exception of the General Assembly, all plenaries will be open and accessible to the public.
Opening Plenary - Sunday 12 July 15:00 EEST (12:00 UTC)
Moderator Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University
- Welcoming words:
- IAMCR President Janet Wasko
- City of Tampere Mayor Lauri Lyly
- Tampere University President Mari Walls
- IAMCR Awards announced by President Wasko
- Keynotes on conference theme: Reimagining the Digital Future: Building inclusiveness, respect and reciprocity
- Changfeng Chen, Tsinghua University, Executive Dean of School of Journalism and Communication
- Klaus Bruhn Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Professor of Communication
- Kari Enqvist, University of Helsinki, Professor Emeritus of Cosmology
- Conference organising teams and introduction to programme
Plenary 1: "Global Communication in the Digital Age" - Monday 13 July 15:00 EEST (12:00 UTC)
- Chair Kaarina Nikunen, Tampere University
- Yuezhi Zhao, Simon Fraser University
- Maja Mikula, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Gayathry Venkiteswaran, University of Nottingham
- Gholam Khiabany, University of London
Plenary 2: "The Future of Internet Governance: UN Roadmap for Digital Cooperation" - Tuesday 14 July 15:00 EEST (12:00 UTC)
- Chair Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Tampere University
- Laura de Nardis, American University
- Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change
- Helen Kennedy, University of Sheffield
- Xiaodong Lee, Tshinghua University
Plenary 3: "Communication in the post-Covid-19 world" - Wednesday 15 July 15:00 EEST (12:00 UTC)
- Chair Sinikka Torkkola, Tampere University
- Simon Cottle, Cardiff University
- Audrey Gadzekpo, University of Ghana
- Claudia Lago, University of Sao Paulo
- Wai Han Lo, Hong Kong Baptist University
Plenary 4: "The role of science in global crises" (audio) - Thursday 16 July 15:00 EEST (12:00 UTC)
- Chair Thomas Tufte, Loughborough University, London
- Vandana Shiva, India
- Julieta Norma Fierro Gossman, Mexico
- Prof Cees Hamelink, The Netherlands
- Prof Ndlovu-Gatsheni, South Africa
General Assembly 2020 - Friday 17 July 15:00 EEST (12:00 UTC)
The General Assembly meeting will take place online (live). Only members can participate. Details for registering for and connecting to the meeting have been sent to members. See the draft agenda.
Closing Plenary: "Media and Communication Research: Continuity and Change in Eras of Risk and Uncertainty" - Friday 17 July 16:30 EEST (13:30 UTC)
Moderator Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University
- Reviewing IAMCR history on the website and launching Basics of IAMCR history by Cees Hamelink and Kaarle Nordenstreng, accompanied by IAMCR house band's performance of "As Time Goes By"
- Recalling the MacBride Commission (1977-80) and subsequent developments with Juan Somavia, Commission member and later Director General of ILO
- Highlighting McQuail's Media & Mass Communication Theory 7th ed. with Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam
- Reflecting on the future of media and communication research - two dialogues
- Usha Raman, University of Hyderabad, and Trine Syvertsen, University of Oslo
- Laura Ahva, Tampere University, and Leonardo Custodio, Åbo Akademi University
- Welcome to Nairobi 2021
- Concluding thoughts
- Outgoing President: Janet Wasko
- Incoming President: Nico Carpentier