This year IAMCR is mandated to hold a General Assembly, which will be moved to a virtual format following IAMCR2020 online conference. While most of the conference presentations will be prerecorded (or asynchronous), the General Assembly meeting will take place online (synchronously) on Friday, July 17, 2020, at 15:00 (EEST) / 12:00 (GMT). Details for registering for and connecting to the meeting have been sent to members, and the agenda is attached below. Executive Board and committee annual reports are available at https://iamcr.box.com/v/IAMCR2020-GA.
We realise that moving to a virtual format is new territory for our organization and there may be potential complications, in addition to issues related to access and time differences. We trust, however, that members will understand and be able to participate.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY – 17 July 2020 – online
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of the previous General Assembly, 24 June 2018, Eugene, Oregon, USA
- Approval of New Members
- Summary of Reports from Officers:
- President – Janet Wasko
- Vice Presidents – Graham Murdock, Aimée Vega Montiel
- Secretary General – Gerard Goggin
- Treasurer – Elske van de Fliert
- Approval of Leadership in Sections and Working Groups
- Any Other Business
- Report of Election Committee
- Executive Board and International Council Changeover
- Adjournment