Members of IAMCR

This searchable directory includes all current individual members, including regular representatives of institutional members and PhD student representatives of institutions. You can search by name, country/region of residence or keyword.

Display Name Affiliation Country/Territory Keywords
Ms. Edmundo Laborde Facultad de Comunicaciones
María José Labrador Blanes Facultad de Comunicaciones Universidad del Desarrollo
Mr. Amiel Lacorte
Valentina Laferrara Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna. Fundació Blanquerna
Dr. Cláudia Lago São Paulo University Journalism Research, Journalism Education, Gender
Prof. Claudia Lagos Lira Department of Social Communication
Mr. Suyan Lai Fudan University, School of Journalism
Ms. Ying Lai Beijing Normal University
Ms. Zishan Lai Department of Communication and New Media| National University of Singapore
Mrs. Nurdahalia Lairing Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang/University of Hasanuddin Makassar
Aditya Lal University of Leeds
Ms. Sheila Lalwani University of Texas at Austin
Celia Lam The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, School of International Communications
Mr. Ugyal Lama Yolmo Sikkim University, Department of Mass Communication Political Communication, Media Psychology, Social Media Engagement, Political Attitude and Behaviour, Social Media
Lut Lams Brussels Center for Journalism Studies
Mr. Jianfeng Lan Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Media and Communication
Mary Lange University KwaZulu-Natal communication for social change, culture and heritage, participatory
Klara Langmann Johannes Gutenberg Univsitaet
Tiago Gomes Lapa Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism
Benjamin Larweh Tetteh University of Ghana, School of Communication Studies