Members of IAMCR

This searchable directory includes all current individual members, including regular representatives of institutional members and PhD student representatives of institutions. You can search by name, country/region of residence or keyword.

Display Name Affiliation Country/Territory Keywords
Fernando Uval NA
Ms. Eliisa Vainikka Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences internet, audience, social media, reading
Dr. Ivan Valchanov University of National and World Economy, Department of Media and Public Communications
Prof. Juan Carlos Valencia Pontificia Universidad Javeriana postcolonial studies, indigenous media, big data, radio, music
Mr. Jonas Valente Oxford Internet Institute
Esa Väliverronen University of Helsinki, Dep. of Social Research
Mr. Jari Valiverronen Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences political journalism, journalism change, comparative research
Iliya Valkov University of National and World Economy, Department of Media and Public Communications
Vasilios Vamvakas
Dr. Natasha van Antwerpen School of Psychology
Leo Van Audenhove VUB-SCOM, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Prof. Sofie Van Bauwel Universiteit Gent
Dr. Elske van de Fliert The University of Queensland, School of Communication and Arts Communication for Social Change; Participatory development communication; Rural development and communication
Baldwin Van Gorp Brussels Center for Journalism Studies
Ms. Hanne Van Haelter Department of Communication Sciences - University of Ghent
Annemarie van Paassen Wageningen University, Communication Science
Mariek Vanden Abeele Department of Communication Sciences - University of Ghent
Dr. Florian Vanlee Universiteit Gent
Christiana Varda Cyprus University of Technology
Lorenzo Vargas WACC / Toronto Metropolitan University