Members of IAMCR

This searchable directory includes all current individual members, including regular representatives of institutional members and PhD student representatives of institutions. You can search by name, country/region of residence or keyword.

Display Name Affiliation Country/Territory Keywords
Ms. Andra Seceleanu Andrei Saguna University
Prof. Hannele Seeck LSE
Dr. Michelle Seelig University of Miami, Department of Interactive Media
Jens Seiffert-Brockmann Vienna University of Economics & Business, Department of Business Communication
Kweku Sekyi-Appiah University of Ghana, School of Communication Studies
Mariam Selim University of Westminster
Prof. Mehdi Semati Northern Illinois University, Communication
Mr. Chuene Semono University of the Western Cape
Prof. Dimitrina Semova Complutense University of Madrid
Bish Sen School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
Dr. Rommani Sen Shitak KPB Hinduja College of Commerce
Anna Sendra Toset Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Mr. Jed Senthil NTU WKWSCI
Ms. Lenis Aislinn Separa School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing - Massey University Wellington
Prof. Eleonora Serafimovska Institute for Sociological political and juridical research, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius
Nelly Sergidou Cyprus University of Technology
Joaquim Paulo Serra Universidade da Beira Interior
Prof. Tevhide Serra Gorpe University of Sharjah
Ms. Arundhati Sethi University of Otago; Media, Film and Communication and English and Linguistics
Dr. Yearry Setianto Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Journalism Department