The pages linked to below contain information and resources for participants and for heads of sections and working groups as they prepare for IAMCR’s online conference and especially for Online Conference Papers and Online Sessions.
Online Conference Papers
These are the more than 800 conference papers that were accepted by 26 participating sections and working groups. They will be accessible to all IAMCR members on the conference website from 12 July to 12 September. The platform will allow for questions and comments from readers and answers from the papers’ authors.
- Information for authors
- Information for chairs, respondents and discusssants
- Overview: How will online conference papers work?
Online Sessions
Twenty-eight online video sessions prepared by participating sections and working groups will be pre-recorded and launched on a rolling schedule from 13 to 16 July. They will be accessible to all IAMCR members until 12 September on a platform that will allow for questions and comments from viewers and answers from presenters.