Three projects submitted to the IAMCR Sections and Working Group Fund in the September 2018 round have been accepted for funding.
The Audience Section was granted $2,000 to support the organisation of a pre-conference on Mobile Socialities, to be held at The University of Segovia prior to the 2019 IAMCR conference in Madrid. The themed pre-conference intends to critically examine the bridging concept of mobile socialities across international perspectives, ensuring dialogue on the connections between audience studies, mobilities and mobile communication research.
The Communication Policy & Technology Section was granted $2,000 to publish a special issue of the Internet Policy Review, an open access journal, that will contain selected papers from CP&T sessions at the 2018 IAMCR conference in Oregon.
The Participatory Communication Research Section was granted $2,000 for two academic, out-of-conference events: (1) a one-day conference ‘Post-Representative Participations: Engaging with civic action in the times of digital citizenship’ at the University of Brighton, UK, organised in collaboration with Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association’s Postgraduate Network (MeCCSA PGN), and the Centre for Digital Media Cultures, University of Brighton; and (2) a two-day academic event on ‘Global Dialogues on Participation’ at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, organised in collaboration with the School of Communication, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
The deadline to present projects for consideration in the next round of applications is 31 January 2019. Details can be found at the Committee and Task Force Project Fund and Section and Working Group Project Fund pages of the IAMCR website.