This article contains information about who can submit, the selection criteria, a description of the proposal and review process and the proposal form
Who can submit
- IAMCR members, and particularly Sections Heads and Working Groups Chairs, may submit publication proposals that reflect the collective work of IAMCR bodies in different fields of inquiry.
- Authors/editors of relevant work published in languages other than English may submit proposals for texts to be translated and included in the series. The cost for translation is to be carried by the proponent, who, however, will be encouraged to apply, through the Publication Committee, for IAMCR’s (partial) financial support.
- Criteria for publication proposals, consistent with the series’ aims and approach, are listed on the proposal form to be used for submitting book proposals. The form is available here.
Do you have a good idea for a book in the series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research?
Here are the steps that lead to a potential contract:
- The Series Editors receive a note of interest from potential authors/ editors.
- Series Editors ask the potential authors to send a proposal following a specific template which can be downloaded from the IAMCR website (here).
- After the Series Editors receive the completed proposal they will screen the proposal on its quality and consistency with the Series' objectives.
- The Series Editors will circulate the proposal, with their possible feedback, among the Series' Advisory Board (AB).
- The AB will assess the proposal and give their feedback to the Series Editors, not later than two weeks after receiving it.
- The Series Editors send the reviewed proposal to the potential authors for finalisation (if needed) after which it will be sent to Palgrave, through the Series Editors.
- Palgrave proceeds according to its internal procedure and send the proposal, including a sample chapter, to selected reviewers.
- Palgrave will communicate directly with authors about the feedback from its reviewers and follow up on preparation of contract if recommended to do so.
- Palgrave will notify the Series Editors of the issued contract and keep them updated about the production process.
Do you have a good idea for a translation into English from any other language in the series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research?
Check your idea against the criteria below:
- The book you propose for translation is a major scholarly contribution worth knowing by the international English-speaking community.
- The book is recognised as a unique and or "classic" work as can be seen from recommendations from scholars or book reviews.
Queries and proposals should be addressed to: Sadia Jamil and Bruce Mutsvairo