Edited by Francisco Sierra and Tommaso Gravante
- Explores the impact of digital culture on politics, participation and social movements
- Suitable for anyone interested in social movements, protests, civil society, political participation and political parties both in Europe and Latin America
- Presents original research about contemporary experiences of Latin American movements and politics in several different countries
This edited collection presents original and compelling research about contemporary experiences of Latin American movements and politics in several countries. The book proposes a theoretical framework that conceptualises different mediation processes that emerge between cyberdemocracy and the emancipation practices of new social movements.
Additionally, this volume presents some Latin American practices and experiences that are autonomously and by using self-management–creating other identities and social spaces on the margins of and against the neoliberal system through the use of digital technology.
This book will be of great interest to scholars of media and social movements studies as well as of contemporary politics.
This is the seventh title in the Palgrave/IAMCR book series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research
IAMCR members are entitled to a special 35% discount on all titles in the series. If you are a member of IAMCR, email GlobalTransformations@iamcr.org with "global transformations discount" as the subject of your message for details on how to get your discount.
Go to the publisher's website to purchase a title in the series.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
Sierra, Francisco (et al.) - Digital Media Practices and Social Movements. A Theoretical Framework from Latin America
Sierra, Francisco (et al.) - Tracing the Roots of Technopolitics: Towards a North-South Dialogue
Treré, Emiliano (et al.) - E-Democracy. Ideal vs Real, Exclusion vs Inclusion
Ricci, Andrea (et al.) - Technopolitics in the Age of Big Data
Milan, Stefania (et al.) - The Brazilian Protest Wave and Digital Media: Issues and Consequences of the “Jornadas de Junho” and Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment Process
Santos, Nina - Social Networks, Cyberdemocracy and Social Conflict in Colombia
Said-Hung, Elias (et al.) - Communication in Movement and Techno-Political Media Networks: the case of Mexico
Cano, César Augusto Rodríguez - #CompartirNoEsDelito: Creating Counter-Hegemonic Spaces Online for Alternative Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge
Chenou, Jean-Marie (et al.) - #OcupaEscola: Media Activism and the Movement for Public Education in Brazil
Sousa, Ana Lúcia Nunes (et al.)
The above text is from the publisher's description of the book.
Title: Networks, Movements and Technopolitics in Latin America: Critical Analysis and Current Challenges
Editors: Francisco Sierra and Tommaso Gravante
Published: 2017
Pages: 220
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 978-3-319-65560-4