Edited by Luis Albornoz
This book updates and revalidates critical political economy of communication approaches. It is destined to become a work of reference for those interested in delving into debates arising from the performance of traditional and new media, cultural and communication policy-making or sociocultural practices in the new digital landscape.
This is the second title in the Palgrave/IAMCR book series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research
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Table of contents
Part I The Political Economy of Communication
- Current Challenges for the Critical Economy of Culture and Communication
Ramón Zallo - The Political Economy of Communication: A Living Tradition
Vincent Mosco
Part II Cultural or Creative Industries?
- Intellectuals and Cultural Policies
Philip Schlesinger - Cultural Industries, Creative Economy and the Information Society
Gaëtan Tremblay - Creativity versus Culture?
Enrique Bustamante
Part III Cultural Consumption from a Critical Perspective
- Studying Cultural Behaviours, Consumptions, Habits and Practices
Armand Mattelart - New Approaches for New Sociocultural Practices
Micael Herschmann - Cultural Consumption and Media Power
Francisco Sierra
Part IV Challenges in Thinking about Communication and Culture
- Digital Networks and Services: A New Political and Technological Agenda
Luis A. Albornoz - Communication and Epistemological Struggle
César Bolaño - Culture and Communication: A Political Economy View
Delia Crovi Druetta
Title: Power, Media, Culture. A Critical View from the Political Economy of Communication
Series: Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research - A Palgrave and IAMCR Series
Editor: Luis Albornoz
Published: 2015
Pages: 248
Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 978-1-137-54007-2