Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research offers systematic and comprehensive opportunities for the publication of key research and intellectual debates, to reflect the intellectual capital of IAMCR. It provides a forum for collective knowledge production and exchange through trans-disciplinary contributions.
In the current globalising processes and increasing interactions amongst individuals and communities, the series provides a space to rethink those very categories – of space and place, time and geography —through which communication studies has evolved. It will contribute to identifying and refining concepts, theories and methods to explore the diverse realities of communication in a changing world.
The series editors welcome proposals for publication. Those who would like to get feedback before submitting their proposal to the publisher can indicate this to the series editors and count on a speedy response.
Go to the publisher's website to purchase a title in the series.
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Advisory Board
Members of the Advisory Board of Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research are: Martín Becerra, Marjan de Bruin, Gerard Goggin, Claudia Padovani, Robin Mansell, Francesca Musiani, Hillel Nossek, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Marc Raboy, Usha Raman, Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, Pradip Thomas, Daya Thussu, Elena Vartanova and Janet Wasko.
The Advisory Board will support the editors in guaranteeing the quality and consistency of the series and represents a diverse range of expertise. Board meetings function as a platform for discussion to identify new developments, opportunities and areas in need of critical attention allowing for exciting and innovative themes to be covered in the series.
The series editors will use the Board’s contributions to issue specific Calls for Proposals and invite IAMCR members to address emerging trends and challenges in communication scholarship. The Advisory Board will also help to identify volumes —in non-Anglophone regions— which may deserve translation into English to be made accessible to an international audience. Each year the series aims for at least one volume translated from Spanish, French or other languages, into English.