Amritha Balakrishnan at IAMCR2024
Amritha Balakrishnan, from Central University of Karnataka, was awarded a travel grant to present his paper titled “The Emerging Landscape of Femtech: A Study of Indian Period Tracking Apps” at IAMCR2024.
“I am forever grateful to IAMCR for the travel grant. Presenting my paper at the IAMCR conference has been one of my lofty dreams. Thank you for making my dream come true. Without this grant, I would have missed one of the remarkable milestones in my academics and career. Participating in IAMCR 2024 was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. Meeting, interacting, and networking with such a diverse and huge group of intellectuals and stalwarts was an enriching experience. The priceless comments and questions I got for my paper widened my perspective. IAMCR 2024 exposed me to a lot of amazing people and discourse. This made me more ambitious and inspired as well. IAMCR 2024 was my first-ever opportunity to present my work to budding researchers, experts, and renowned academicians worldwide. This amazing avenue exposed me to diverse ideas and knowledge that can significantly contribute to my career.
Besides, it was also a fascinating experience to travel to New Zealand, a beautiful and serene country. I was delighted to explore the streets of Christchurch and the cuisine. Talking to the people there and getting exposed to a new culture was amazing. The memory of the days I spent in Christchurch will always be cherished.
I earnestly wish to participate and present my works in upcoming conferences too. I hope to continue an enriching journey with IAMCR throughout my career.
Thank you IAMCR!”
Amritha Balakrishnan
Central University of Karnataka, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism