See Fatma Elzahraa Elsayed's strategic plan for 2024-2027
Elsayed is a professor at the Mass Communication Faculty at Cairo University. She has published 20 research studies in digital journalism and social media networks, and she is an expert in the media terminology commission at the Academy of Arabic Language in Cairo. She is an associate editor of Insights into Language, Culture, and Communication Journal (ILCC) of AASTMT. Elsayed was awarded twice as “Best Researcher” at the International Conferences (2008, 2012) of the Mass Communication Faculty.
The US Department of State offered her a grant to represent Egypt in studying US media institutions in 2016. She is a regular member of several academic associations and is currently the Vice Chair of Islam and Media WG of IAMCR. In her early career, she served as a researcher at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). She contributed to several academic activities organised by international entities such as UNESCO and DAAD. Elsayed earned her first Master's and PhD from Cairo University and a second Master's in new media from the University of Leeds in 2018.
She served as an Assistant Professor at KAU and KSA in Saudi Arabia (2008-2013) and as the Head of the Journalism department in the Mass Communication Faculty of Ahram Canadian University (ACU) from 2014-2016. She served as the Director of the Emergency and Crisis Centre and vice chair of the quality assurance project for international accreditation of MCF's educational programs, which was achieved in April 2023 by AQAS.
Contact: zahraafat@cu.edu.eg