Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research: Many Voices, One Forum
The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), established in 1957 with UNESCO's support amid strong ideological tension in the aftermath of World War II, has played a pivotal role in promoting international collaboration and knowledge exchange among academics and journalists in the field of media and communication.
Over its impressive 65-year history, IAMCR has evolved significantly. Initially centered around mass media, including press and journalism education, the association now attracts a diverse community of researchers and practitioners engaged in critical analysis of contemporary media and communication landscapes, which includes online platforms and their governance. Throughout its journey, IAMCR has emphasized key themes such as human rights, law, culture, and the political economy of the media and communication industries.
In the captivating anthology titled "Many Voices, One Forum”, edited by IAMCR members Jörg Becker and Robin Mansell, 49 contributors share their insights through 34 chapters, illuminating how the association and its members have significantly influenced the media and communication research sphere. Far from being content with understanding global developments in the field, IAMCR's membership aspires to ‘change the world’ by publishing research and actively engaging in global, regional, national, and local policy debate and practices.
The anthology is organized in four parts, providing readers with a comprehensive journey through IAMCR's contributions and accomplishments:
Part I: Scholarly Traditions in Media and Communication - This section delves into prominent scholarly traditions that have garnered interest from researchers worldwide. It emphasizes IAMCR's commitment to inclusivity, welcoming early career scholars into its vibrant community.
Part II: IAMCR Scholarship and the Political - The chapters in this section shed light on the political challenges faced by IAMCR members seeking to bridge the East-West divide. It showcases the association's efforts to contribute to global debates and promote an inclusive, fair, and equitable international information and communication order by actively engaging with United Nations sponsored initiatives.
Part III: IAMCR and National and Regional Scholarship - This part showcases how IAMCR members from various corners of the world have enriched the association's scholarly work with their unique perspectives and insights.
Part IV: Reflections on People - The concluding section pays tribute to James Halloran, IAMCR's President from 1972 to 1988, and other influential figures who made significant scholarly and institution-building contributions to the study of culture and the political economy of media and communications.
Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research: Many Voices, One Forum stands as a compelling testament to IAMCR's contributions to the field of media and communications. It showcases how the association has grown, adapted, and thrived over the years, fostering global exchanges and nurturing scholars dedicated to creating positive change in the world through their research and advocacy. As the field continues to evolve, IAMCR remains at the forefront, inspiring current and future generations of media and communication researchers to explore new frontiers and shape the world we live in.
For more information or to purchase the book - https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-16383-8
About the editors
Jörg Becker is Professor of Political Science at Marburg University in Germany. He was Guest Professor for Political Science and/or Communication Research at universities in Roskilde, Denmark, Beirut, Lebanon, Hong Kong, and Innsbruck, Austria. He was IAMCR International Council Member, 1984-1992.
Robin Mansell is Professor of New Media and the Internet in the Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science with specialisms in digital governance and the political economy of communication. She was IAMCR President 2004-2008.
Title: Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research: Many Voices, One Forum
Editors: Jörg Becker and Robin Mansell
Published: 2023
Pages: 558
Available at: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-16383-8