The IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinars provide a forum for critical dialogue for PhD researchers in the field of communication and media studies. The central goals of the webinars are to give visibility to doctoral research in the global field of communication and media studies and stimulate interaction and cooperation among PhD students.
Each year, one presidential PhD research webinar is organised outside the main conference period, convened by PhD student members of IAMCR.
The webinars are organised through two open calls: the first one inviting proposals for webinar topic and convenor(s), followed by a call for speakers and abstracts for presentations on the topic that has been selected. Applications outside of these periods will not be considered.
Responsibilities of webinar convenors
The webinar convenor(s) are expected to:
- Coordinate the organisation of the webinar;
- Commit to comply with IAMCR's statement on a safe and supportive community;
- Abide by the timeline and meet all deadlines to the best of their ability;
- Ensure that all presenters obtain copyright clearance on any materials they present;
- Write a short 'after the event' article (which will be made available to the IAMCR membership);
- Propose replacements in case participants have to cancel in order to ensure that the minimum number of three participants is respected.
What IAMCR will provide
As the organiser of the Presidential PhD Research Webinar series, IAMCR:
- Promotes the webinar via its communication channels;
- Provides the Zoom meeting platform where the webinar will be held;
- Provides a registration system and issues certificates for the convenor(s) and speakers after the webinar.
The convenor(s) must be members of IAMCR and PhD students. The proposed topic must be relevant to communication and media studies, and should be intellectually stimulating and potentially innovative.
The topic and the convenor(s) are selected on the basis of the academic quality of their proposal and its relevance to our field. Interdisciplinary approaches with a communication and media studies component are also welcome.
The webinar is open to the participation of IAMCR members as convenors, presenters, and audience.
For further information about the presidential research webinars contact info@iamcr.org