IAMCR is co-sponsoring the Second AMCAP Doctoral Spring School 2021. It will take place at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan from 20-28 February 2021 and is organised by the Association of Media & Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP-Pakistan) in collaboration with Punjab Higher Education Commission. It is also sponsored by the the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).
The AMCAP Doctoral Spring School will bring together prominent Foreign and Pakistani academics to provide structural and individuated support to young Pakistani and other Asian scholars in their PhD projects. The Spring School is a PhD-student centered school that will give participants unique opportunities to polish their scientific research skills in the emerging digital environment through PhD feedback panels, workshops, and lectures along with panel discussions.
Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman, president of AMCAP, is also the chair of IAMCR's Islam and Media Working Group. Several IAMCR members are part of the international and Pakistani faculty, including IAMCR president, Nico Carpentier.
For more information see https://amcap.net/