Letter from the President Dear Colleagues, Warmest wishes to everyone! As we move toward the end of another year, it may be a good time to recap some of the key events/developments for IAMCR during 2017. Above all, our conference in Cartagena, Colombia, attracted over 1,400 delegates and inspired 11 pre- and post-conferences. The reviews by participants were positive and indicated general satisfaction with the academic quality and general organization of the event. Read more >>> |
 | Reimagining Sustainability IAMCR’s 2018 conference will take place on June 20-24 in Eugene, Oregon. It is the first time in the organization’s sixty-year history that the conference will be held in the United States. “Our school and the university of Oregon are honoured to have been chosen as the site for the conference”, stated Dr. Juan Carlos Molleda, dean of the School for Journalism and Communication. “For over 100 years, (our program has) been dedicated to promoting intellectual debate that leads to new ways of thinking about social, economic, and political problems.” Read more >> |
 | Awards and prizes for 2018 Travel grants for OregonFifteen travel grants of up to USD1,500 will be made available to early-stage scholars, who are members of IAMCR in good standing, reside in low and middle income countries and have papers accepted for presentation at our upcoming conference in Eugene, Oregon, USA. The grants are intended to help offset the travel costs of IAMCR members who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference. Read more >>> Urban Communication Research Grant The 2018 Urban Communication Research Grant is worth USD1,750 and supports communication and media research that advances understanding of the growing complexity of the urban environment. The grant is open to all IAMCR members in good standing. Read more >> Climate Change Communication awardApplications are now being received for the 2018 IAMCR New Directions for Climate Communication Research Fellowship. The award seeks to encourage a wide range of researchers to think creatively about innovative climate communication research. Read more >>> IAMCR Prize in Memory of Stuart HallThe Stuart Hall Prize was established in 2014 at IAMCR's Hyderabad Conference during a tribute to celebrate his lasting contribution to communications scholarship and to remember his work. It will be awarded for the second time at the 2018 conference. Watch for details in your email or on the website. In the meantime, you can watch the videos of the Hyderabad tribute to Stuart Hall at http://iamcr.org/congress/hyderabad2014/video-tribute-to-stuart-hall. |
| |  | IAMCR membership renewal campaign in full swingOur 2018 membership renewal campaign has begun. IAMCR’s president, Janet Wasko, has written to all individual members and the administrators of institutional memberships inviting them to renew. If you didn’t receive it, email us at membership@iamcr.org and we’ll resend it. Representatives and student representatives of institutional members can login to their accounts and select My membership from the menu to see if their membership has been renewed. They can also see a list of their institution’s representatives, including the administrator. Please renew your membership now. Membership fees provide us with the majority of our operating income and your ongoing support is vital to the continuing health of the organization. |
IAMCR 2017: Reflections and Memories IAMCR 2017 is over but the website will remain at http://cartagena2017.iamcr.org/. We’ve made it easy to access materials from the conference. Among the highlights you’ll find there are videos and photos, the complete collection of more than 1,400 abstracts presented during the conference, articles, evaluations, and more.
 | Section and Working Group Activities Many of IAMCR’s sections and working groups do more than organise their programmes for our annual conferences. Below is a sampling of some of their other activities. Every year the Communication Policy and Technology Section selects a paper presented at the annual conference for its Best Paper Award. This year’s paper was "The Bedouin Divide: Broadband Access in the Negev" by Ghalia Abu-Kaf, Amit M. Schejter and Muhammad Abu Jafar, all associated with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Additionally, an Emerging Scholar Best Paper Award was given to Félix Tréguer, from ISCC-CNRS and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, for his paper "Alternative Internet Networks: History and Legacy of a 'Crazy Idea'". Read more >>> In cooperation with The International Forum for Communication Law and Ethics (FIÉDI), the Law Section published the proceedings of its 2017 pre-conference event as an e-book entitled Cross-border Journalism and Human Dignity. Read more and download the book >>> They will be organising another pre-conference event in Oregon in 2018 – "Article 19: Present and Future Challenges to Communication Rights on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Read more >>> The Community Communication and Alternative Media Section distributed a very thorough report about its 2017 activities. With 135 papers presented it was the largest section at the Cartagena conference. Read more >>> The Participatory Communication Research Section was one of the most active in 2017. In addition to a pre-conference event on Participatory Advertising held in Bogotá, Colombia the section also organised “Imagine Europe”, a seminar held in Roskilde, Denmark and even produced a video about its activities in Colombia. See reports on all these on the section's website. The Environment, Science and Risk Communication Working Group is preparing a book with the tentative title When the Local meets the Digital: Implications and Consequences for Environmental Communication. It will be published in the Palgrave/IAMCR series. A webinar is planned for 15 March 2018 where authors of abstracts accepted for inclusion in the book will present their work. All working group members will be invited to join the discussion. The webinar is a joint initiative with the Science and Environment Communication Section of ECREA. Read more >>> The Visual Culture Working Group received a small grant from IAMCR to prepare an e-book entitled Visualities and Intermedialities. See the call for papers. The Public Service Media Policies Working Group also received a small grant from IAMCR. The working group will organise a one day post-conference event in Oregon, provisionally titled “Public Service Media in a Time of Global Reordering: Sustainability, Reinvention and Extension”. The event is to be organised in collaboration with the Global Public Service Media Experts Network and will include a special panel on Public Service Media in Asia, organised and sponsored by the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, China. More information will be published in the pre/post-conference events section of the Oregon2018 website. To get the most out of your IAMCR membership, make sure you have joined the sections and working groups that reflect your interests. Login to the website to add or change your section and working group memberships. Some sections operate their own mailing lists or Facebook pages. Visit the page of any section or working group to see if it does. |
 | Committee and Task Force ActivitiesThe Committee for the Improvement of Academic Life is working on a project entitled Mapping Precarious Academic Life in the Media & Communications Field. The outputs will include a research report, a set of draft guidelines, a special session on precarious labour conditions at IAMCR 2018 and publication of the results as a special journal issue, a stand-alone publication, or both. The Task Force on the Global Alliance for Media and Gender is preparing a book with position papers on gender, media and ICTs to be co-edited with GAMAG and UNESCO and launched at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women meeting in 2018. |
 | Other news IAMCR and ALAIC plan joint activitiesIAMCR and the Latin American Communication Researchers Association (ALAIC) held a meeting during the Cartagena conference to begin planning of various joint activities. Over the next few months they will develop events to analyse issues such as the current state of communication research, labour conditions of communication researchers and teachers, and academic evaluation. They will also organise joint sessions at their conferences in joint discussions during their conferences – IAMCR’s in Oregon and ALAIC’s in Costa Rica. Read more >>> Academics for peace #TurkeyThe Turkish organisation Academics for Peace has issued a call for international solidarity to support its members who are being charged with terror-related offences for signing a 2016 petition calling for an end to curfews and military operations in the Kurdish region of Turkey. IAMCR distributed the call to its members. IAMCR has issued previously various statements about the situation in Turkey and continues to monitor the situation and to encourage its members to express their solidarity with our Turkish colleagues. Read more >>> |
New books by IAMCR membersIAMCR members are invited to announce their recently published books and book chapters to the IAMCR community and website visitors. Click here to see the most recent ones. |
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