Allen Munoriyarwa, a Doctoral Student at the University of Johannesburg School of Communication, Republic of South Africa, received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2019 in Madrid. He presented his paper "Who is the arbiter of truth? Mainstream journalists’ responses to fake news during the military coup in Zimbabwe" to the Emerging Scholars Network Section.
I would like to express my gratitude to IAMCR for extending a grant to me that enabled me to attend this year’s IAMCR Madrid Conference. Without the grant, I would not have made it to Madrid.
I had a fantastic experience in Madrid, courtesy of the IAMCR travel grant. Firstly, I was able to present my paper in my Working Group, which is what I had wanted the most. Secondly, the Madrid Conference gave me an opportunity to interact with other global researchers in my fields of interest. For that, I am very grateful. It was not something I had remotely envisaged would happen. It was also an opportunity to meet globally known researchers in the field of media and communication. This was a rare moment that the grant presented to me.
Once again, thank you very much to IAMCR for extending the travel grant to me.
Allen Munoriyarwa
IAMCR travel grants are funded with a percentage of all IAMCR membership payments plus the voluntary contributions of IAMCR members and supporters.
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