r from the President
Janet Wasko, President, IAMCR
As we put the 2015 Montreal conference behind us and look forward to the 2016 gathering in Leicester, United Kingdom, it may be a good time to reflect upon some of the issues related to IAMCR's conferences.
Leicester Highlights
IAMCR's 2016 conference will be held at the University of Leicester (UK) from July 27-31, 2016. Kaitlyn Mendes, Chair of the IAMCR 2016 Academic Committee, provides us with a look at a few of the planned highlights.
Statement on the future of the BBC
On 7 September IAMCR issued a public statement on the future of the British Broadcasting Corporation. The statement was agreed by the IAMCR Clearinghouse on Public Statements and issued by IAMCR's president, Janet Wasko. At the request of the Chair of the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications IAMCR is preparing a written submission for its current inquiry into the BBC Charter Renewal. A response received from the office of the Prime Minister on 15 September said the "correspondence is currently under consideration."
IAMCR Ambassadors Network
IAMCR is establishing a worldwide network of Ambassadors to promote and represent the Association in various countries and regions. Ambassadors are tasked with creatively promoting the mandate and distinctiveness of IAMCR as an international association of media and communication scholars in the country and/or region where she/he is located and to explore opportunities to expand IAMCR's footprint in their country or region through publicity, events, and other strategies.
The first Ambassadors have been named from Bangladesh, India, Portugal and Southern Africa. See their profiles and read about their plans
If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador or nominating someone else, visit http://iamcr.org/ambassadors/be-an-ambassador
Improved member directory
The IAMCR membership directory havs been improved, making it easier to find and contact members of the association. The directory is a simple and useful tool for facilitating engagement and interaction among media and communication researchers.
Looking for contributions for new Handbook
The editors of The Handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture, have issued a call for book chapters. The handbook will be the fifth volume in the Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research Series, co-published by Wiley-Blackwell and IAMCR.
Call for contributions for the Handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture >
Read about the Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research Series and the previous for volumes: The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy, The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, The Handbook of Media Audiences and The Handbook of Development Communication and Social Change.
IAMCR Feature: Peggy Gray
Peggy Gray, Olga Linne, Cees Hamelink
The IAMCR Feature highlights the contributions made by those who have been closely associated with IAMCR over the years, both office bearers and friends. It includes a write up by the person being featured along with short appreciations from friends.In this issue we profile Peggy Gray.
Peggy was a researcher at the University of Leicester and for eighteen years volunteered as IAMCR's administrative assistant and conference organiser. She is retired but still lives in the Leicester region and will be attending IAMCR's conference at University of Leicester next July.
Montreal plenaries, programme and photos
IAMCR 2015's plenary sessions can be watched online in their original languages. Visit Plenary sessions online to see a brief description of each session and links to the pages with more detailed information and complete video recordings.
The 2015 conference page on the IAMCR site also has photos from the event, short articles by some of the travel grant recipients, the downloadable programme, a link to the IAMCR 2015 Facebook page, and more.
Profiling prize winners: Faith Kibere
IAMCR hosts a number of awards and grants. At the Montreal conference we awarded IAMCR Prize in Memory of Stuart Hall, the New Directions for Climate Communication Research Fellowship, and the UCF/IAMCR Urban Communication Research Grant.
This regular feature in the newsletter highlights past winners and their contributions beginning with Faith Kibere, winner of the inaugural IAMCR Prize in Memory of Stuart Hall, 2015.
IAMCR 2015 survey results
Pradip Thomas
Following each annual conference, IAMCR conducts an online survey of the conference participants with the aim of learning how to make future conferences better. Six hundred and thirty-seven people answered this year's survey, a 50% response rate. Seventy-two percent of respondents (457) are members of IAMCR. Of those who are not members, 50% reported they are considering joining. We are looking forward to welcoming them.
News from regional associations
AMIC gears up for 2016 International Conference
Ramon R. Tuazon, Acting Secretary-General
Read more >
ANZCA - The Australian and New Zealand Communication Association
Donald Matheson, President
Read more >
ALAIC - XIII Conference in Mexico, 2016
Read more >
Noticias de las asociaciones regionales
ALAIC - XIII Congreso en México en 2016
Seguir leyendo >
New books by IAMCR Members
IAMCR members are invited to announce their recently published books and book chapters to the IAMCR community and website visitors. Information is published in the Members' Books section of the website and highlighted books appear on the front page.
A selection of the most recent appears by clicking here.
Visit the Members' Books page for more >