The Working Group on Crisis Communication invites proposals for papers and panels to be presented at the 2011 International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, July 13-17, 2011. The theme for the 2011 conference will be 'Cities, Connectivity and Creativity'.
Papers from the full range of crisis communication research will be considered.
Key themes will include:
- Government, Cities and Crisis Communication
- Citizen Crises Communication
- Connectivity and the role of New Social Media in Crisis Communication
- Corporate Crises Communication
- War, Civil War and Crises Communication
- Health, Environment, Pandemics and Crises Communication
Abstracts of no more than 500 words/1500 signs should be submitted via the conference website by 8 February 2011.
Announcement of acceptance: 25 March. Full papers are due by 3 June 2011 and should be submitted via the conference website. The abstracts should list the author’s name, address, university affiliations, telephone and e-mail, followed by the paper’s title. Please specify the subject, questions asked, methodology and findings.
Ester Pollack
Working Group on Crisis Communication, Chair
Sigurd Allern
Working Group on Crisis Communication, Vice-Chair