OCP23 is now over. The full papers presented in the 2023 edition of Online Conference Papers are no longer accessible. You can read the original abstracts of the papers accepted for presentation onsite (Lyon23) and/or submitted online (OCP23) in the abstract books.
OCP23 is the online component of the 2023 conference. It is where members share their work and receive online feedback. OCP23 is a paper-based platform. It does not have scheduled live presentations of research work. It does have papers and an asynchronous text-based commenting platform and authors are invited to optionally submit presentations, either as slides or videos. Read on for more details.
How OCP23 will work
Online Conference Papers 2023 (OCP23) is the online component of IAMCR 2023 where IAMCR members submit and receive online feedback on their research. OCP23 will provide access to a virtual platform where authors share their research in the form of working papers, early drafts, or final drafts. Authors can optionally also submit presentations, either as slides or videos. The papers and presentations in OCP23 are by all authors in IAMCR 2023, both those submitting online only and those who will also be presenting at the face-to-face conference in Lyon.
Participation in OCP23 is open and free of charge to all of IAMCR’s more than 3,000 members worldwide.
OCP23 will feature the following elements:
Papers platform and catalogue
- The OCP23 papers platform is hosted on the conference website and includes a catalogue of all conference papers featured in the conference programme.
- These online papers are grouped thematically, by the sections and working groups they were submitted to.
- Each OCP group has an assigned “chair” and authors are requested to provide initial comments on the papers.
Pre-recorded video presentations and slides
To increase engagement, some authors submitted presentations either as videos or slides which are now linked to their respective conference papers on the OCP23 papers platform.
Commenting platform
The OCP23 papers platform features a text-based online commenting platform which conference participants can use to give feedback to conference paper authors.
Mode of engagement
- OCP23 interaction is primarily asynchronous with participants making use of the text-based commenting platform within the OCP23 papers platform to engage in ‘discussion’.
- Interaction will follow the OCP engagement principle where each author is expected to read a minimum of one of the other papers in their OCP group and provide at least one comment on one paper within that group. Each author is also expected to respond and engage with questions and observations made to their papers.
- Participants will have access to the catalogue of papers from any location and be able to comment and engage in online discussions with authors and other participants.
- OCP23 will have no live presentations or schedule of presentations of authors’ research work (unless they are included in the online interactive sessions that have been organised by some of the sections and working groups).
During OCP23 (26 June to 5 July)
- Authors have been invited to read the other papers in their OCP group during the initial online discussion from 26 June to 5 July and to provide feedback to the other authors in the panel. Each author is expected to provide feedback to at least one other paper in the panel.
- Participants will be able to follow the OCP group of one or more thematic sections and working groups, browse all OCP groups by title, or search all papers by author's name, keyword, affiliation or title of the paper.
- They will provide feedback to their assigned paper and each author will be expected to provide feedback to at least one other paper in the panel. The OCP group chair stimulates more feedback and discussion, especially during the initial discussion phase of the conference, 26 June – 5 July.
- OCP engagement principle works. Each author is expected to read a minimum of one of the other papers in their group and provide at least one comment on one paper within that group. Each author is also expected to respond and engage with questions and observations made to their papers.
During Lyon23 (9 to 13 July)
In most cases, the themes that tie papers together in the face-to-face sessions in Lyon will reflect those that were used to group papers in OCP23. This means that not only will participants be able to look at the Lyon papers before the conference starts, but will also consider the papers that are not at Lyon – in both cases potentially enriching discussion. We are excited by the possibilities afforded by the combination of Lyon23 and OCP23. The OCP23 online commenting platform will remain open during the Lyon conference, enabling authors not in Lyon to follow comments made in real-time.
Access to the OCP23 catalogue
The papers catalogue, presentations, and commenting platform will remain online for 2 months after the conference, until 12 September 2023.
OCP23 Resources
The resources below will help authors prepare their paper submissions, and presentations and also help prepare them for participation in OCP23 only or for Lyon23 and OCP23