Since its creation in 1973, the Université Lumière Lyon 2 has been committed to a strong and demanding vision of Higher Education and Research, driven by a spirit and values that are also its trademark: human and humanistic, committed and supportive, democratic and civic-minded.
The Université Lumière Lyon 2 welcomes 27 300 students on two campuses to its bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Our university offers different degrees on:
- Arts, Letters, Languages
- Law, Economics, Management
- Human and Social Sciences
- Science, Technology, Health
International openness is an important issue for Université Lumière Lyon 2, which it addresses up by encouraging student mobility through study and internship abroad experiences in Europe and around the world. It has also established numerous conjoint degrees with foreign academic institutions and leads international research activities. Université Lumière Lyon 2 currently has 560 cooperation agreements with 370 institutions in 60 countries. International exchange and direct-enrolment students represent 18% of the total number of students.
Located in the heart of the Lyon metropolis, with two main campuses, Berges du Rhône and Porte des Alpes, and three satelite sites, Rachais, Ecully and Le Vinatier, Université Lumière Lyon 2 offers a study and work environment adapted to the needs of the university community.
Committed to a policy of transmission and wide dissemination of knowledge, University Lumière Lyon 2 regularly organizes cultural and scientific events open to all. Building on the initiatives of professors and researchers and a network of local and national cultural partners, it offers a programme of lectures, exhibitions and live performances within and outside its walls.
The Institute of Communication (ICOM) is one of the thirteen academic componants of Université Lumière Lyon 2.
Our Institute is dedicated to organizing and managing training and research activities related to various forms of communication, information, creation and digital. Our diplomas cover all university levels, from the first year of bachelor’s degree, to doctoral studies, with diverse enrollment possibilities (continuing education, pix certifications...).
Since 1989, ICOM has held an original position in the regional and national higher education landscape, which is based on strong links between its three fields that make it rich and diverse, opening up promising careers.
The Institute of Communication offers 3 areas of studies: Culture & Creation, Information & Communication, Informatics & Digital. In accordance with the missions entrusted to the Institutes within the Universities, a special effort is made in the direction of the professionalization of our students. Two Generalist Licences (one in IT and another one in Information-Communication), two Professional Licences (Fashion and IT professions), two University Diplomas and nine Professional Master specialties are offered in the various training courses of the Institute.