IAMCR 2023 will feature 4 plenary sessions on site that will be available online: the opening, two thematic plenaries, and the closing.
Opening Plenary | Sunday 9th July @16h30
- Françoise Paquienséguy, Sciences Po Lyon, IAMCR 2023 Local Organising Committee Chair
- Adrian Staii, Lyon3 University
Welcoming words
- Hélène Dromain, 22nd Vice-President of the Metropolis of Lyon
- Nico Carpentier, President IAMCR
- Andrea Medrado, Vice-President IAMCR
- Usha Raman, Vice-President IAMCR
- Hélène Surrel, Director, Sciences Po Lyon
Humanity, Alienation and (In)justice in the Digital Age
Keynote: Christian Fuchs, Paderborn University, Germany
Plenary | International Communication: On the Significance of Borders in the Digital Borderless World | Monday 10th July @10h30
This panel will explore to what extent borders remain key categories for understanding the realities of transnational flows in digital times, it will address such issues as: the ways in which, in this so-called borderless world, an increasing number of governments use all the means at their disposal to protect themselves against what they regard as being harmful digital transnational flows, and build new barriers against them; how social media, but also traditional media play a key role in the building of symbolic boundaries between “us” and “them”, or are used as instruments to fuel hatred between communities; how digital technologies constitute major components of the new walls that are erected by governments or international organizations for stemming transnational migration flows…
- Tristan Mattelart, University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France
- Yu Hong, Zhejiang University, China
- Daya Kishan Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Herman Wasserman, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- Stefania Milan, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Plenary | The contribution of academia to peace-building: Critique, creativity and activism | Tuesday 11th July @10h30
Throughout history, academia has taken a multiplicity of positions in relation to conflict. The critical study of violent conflict has a long history, but academic activism and academic diplomacy in relation to violent conflict also have a substantial history. Moreover, action research, used also in conflict-affected societal contexts, incorporates a similar interventionist dimension. The omnipresence of violence on the society/community scale and its intense traumatic impacts necessitate our continued attention. This plenary panel aims to discuss what academics can/should do to facilitate our peaceful inhabiting the planet and what academic strategies, practices and identities are desirable or necessary for this.
- Nico Carpentier (Charles University, Czech Republic), President IAMCR
- Andrea Medrado (University of Westminster, UK), Vice-President IAMCR
- Pilar Riaño-Alcalá, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Anna Litvinenko, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- Kaarle Nordenstreng, University of Tampere, Finland
- Lorenzo Angelini, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office
- Levi Obonyo, Daystar University, Kenya.
Closing Plenary | Communication for Sustainable Societies in the Anthropocene – the role of scholars and media industries | Thursday 13th July @15h45
- Valentyna Dymytrova, Lyon3 University
- Adrian Staii, Lyon3 University
Annika Egan Sjölander, Umeå University, Sweden