The IAMCR 2023 conference will offer a range of special and partner sessions providing participants opportunities to expand their knowledge base and network with like-minded professionals. With a total of 11 special sessions and 4 partner sessions, participants can expect thought-provoking discussions, interactive workshops, and valuable takeaways from these sessions.
Click on the titles below to find out more about each of them:
- SFSIC Partner Session - Emerging Topics of Environmental and Ethical Issues in Communication Research
- UNESCO Partner Session - What’s next for the UNESCO Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms
- Special Session - Teaching Journalism Today
- Special Session - Commemorating Brenda Dervin
- Special Session - Multimodal Scholarship at IAMCR
- ALAIC Partner Session - Communication and Democracy: Risks and Possibilities for the Future
- Special Session - Introducing the Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East: Implications for Area Studies Research and Publication
- Special Session - Memorial Tribute to Professor Annabelle Sreberny (1949-2022)
- Special Session - Gender Equality and Freedom of Expression at Stake. The role of regulation. IAMCR Task Force for GAMAG
- Special Session - Tierra Común: Building Academic and Activist Solidarity In/With the Global South
- Special Session - Faster, Higher, Stronger: Mental Health Among Communication and Media Scholars
- ICA Partner Session - Trustworthy and Responsible AI: Communication Perspectives
- Special Session - Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research: Many Voices, One Forum – Book Launch
- Special Session - Communication for Development Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals – Research Supported by the UNICEF/IAMCR C4D Fund
- Special Session - IAMCR Awards Special Session